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‘Indiana Jones’ and ‘Star Wars’ VFX Artist Marc Thorpe Passes at 77

The artist, also known for his competition show ‘Robot Wars,’ passed away November 24 of complications related to Parkinson’s Disease, shared his daughter Megan Feffer on Facebook. 

Marc Thorpe, known for his VFX work on the Indiana Jones and Star Wars franchises as well as his competition show Robot Wars, has passed. He was 77 years old. The visual effects artist died November 24 of complications related to Parkinson’s Disease. Thorpe’s daughter Megan Feffer shared the sad news on Facebook.

“For him, early onset Parkinson’s disease started out with relatively mild tremors and then over time progressed toward less and less bodily autonomy — something particularly torturous for a fiercely independent artist like my dad whose joy in life was to create things with his hands,” stated Feffer.

“While the disease itself is not technically considered terminal, it does eventually remove crucial functions like movement and swallowing – functions essential for life,” she added. “To say the last few months, and especially the last few weeks, were challenging for my dad would be an understatement, and I am grateful that he is finally at peace.”

Born in San Francisco on November 9, 1946, Thorpe attended Cal State University at Hayward before earning a Master of Fine Arts degree from UC Davis in 1971. In addition to films within the Indiana Jones and Star Wars franchises, Thorpe contributed his talents to Dragonslayer, Poltergeist, Explorers, Howard the Duck, and The Hunt for Red October.

Thorpe is survived by his daughter as well as his grandchildren Evelyn and Elliott Feffer.

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Journalist, antique shop owner, aspiring gemologist—L'Wren brings a diverse perspective to animation, where every frame reflects her varied passions.