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Imagineer Systems to Showcase mocha Pro 4.0 at SIGGRAPH 2014

Visit Imagineer Systems at booth 817 for demos of the newly released mocha Pro 4 with advanced support for native stereo 3D workflows, Python scripting and more improved features.

Guildford, UK -- Imagineer Systems, creators of the Academy Award-winning mocha Planar Tracking technology, will be exhibiting at this year’s annual SIGGRAPH conference, taking place from August 12th through 14th at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Canada. Attendees to the show can stop by the Imagineer Systems booth (817) to learn more about the launch of the mocha Pro v4, which features a brand new Stereoscopic 3D workflow, Python scripting support, customizable keyboard shortcuts, new exports and format handling, and more improvements for visual effects facilities. Members of the Imagineer Systems team will be presenting demos daily at the booth.

“We continue to see VFX growth in feature films and effects-heavy episodic television,” says Ross Shain, chief marketing officer, Imagineer Systems. “Our customers asked for stereoscopic 3D support, so we took on the challenge and produced a time saving workflow in which an artist can planar track between the left and right views. The result is a highly efficient workflow for stereo 3D tracking, roto, camera solving, and better object removal (clean plating). Additionally, Python scripting is a feature that customers have requested for a long time. We’re happy to provide these types of tools in mocha Pro 4, which addresses many of the growing demands of today’s VFX and post-production facilities.”

mocha Pro 4 Feature Highlights At a Glance

  • mocha’s new Stereoscopic 3D workflow adds unique stereo support to planar tracking, rotoscoping, object removal and 3D camera solving. It also adds the capability to work on uncorrected, native stereo 3D footage. Users can quickly analyze differences between right and left camera streams and apply the solved disparity in 2D tracking, 3D camera solving, object remove module and image stabilization.
  • Python scripting support allows facilities to further customize their workflows, integrating mocha Pro 4 deeper into the visual effects production pipe.
  • The customizable keyboard shortcut interface enables mocha Pro 4 users to edit and save customizable keyboard layouts or select industry standard keyboard layouts such as Adobe After Effects or Nuke.
  • New exports and format handling includes support for Adobe Premiere Pro masks, Nuke 7 Tracker export and improved Nuke Roto exports. Version 4 also improves QuickTime and MPEG support. Premiere editors can now paste mocha roto masks directly to their timeline for advanced isolation, blurring and color correction tasks.
  • The improved user interface plus high-resolution retina display support greatly enhances the end user experience.

mocha AE Becomes mocha Plus

Imagineer Systems also recently released the new mocha Plus. Replacing mocha AE, mocha Plus adds professional VFX modules including a 3D camera solver, lens correction tools for After Effects and support for copying and pasting mocha roto masks directly to the Premiere Pro timeline. mocha Plus also supports a multitude of compositing and NLE applications including recent versions of Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro CC 2014, Apple Final Cut Pro and Motion, HitFilm, and Boris FX plug-ins.

Source: Imagineer Systems Ltd.

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Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.