Holland Animation Film Festival: Submit Your Favorite Films For Shareware

The Holland Animation Film Festival celebrates its 25th anniversary! Therefore the festival invites you to take part in the programme Shareware.

Press Release from Holland Animation Film Festival

The Holland Animation Film Festival celebrates its 25th anniversary! Therefore the festival invites you to take part in the programme Shareware.

Did you see something amazing, crazy or cool on YouTube or Vimeo? Years ago at your first HAFF? Would you like to see it on the big screen again? Would you like everybody to see it? Let us know and share it!

Name the film title and tell us why everybody should see this. You can submit three films at most (not your own film). HAFF composes a programme with your suggestions and fetches the film in Utrecht especially for you. No cumbersome and well-considered canon but an exciting, subjective and dazzling selection animated films. Mind! The films can’t be older than HAFF, so 25 years at the oldest. No old dogs at the party.

The entries raffle for three free festival passe-partouts.

14th Holland Animation Film Festival - 3-7 November 2010Deadline 1 October 2010Please mail the following information to shareware@haff.nlFilm title, director, country, link to YouTube or Vimeo.Your name, country and email address.And last but not least a short motivation (in 25 words): why this film?

For more information see www.haff.nl

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks