The project, penned by Chris Mundy, Damon Lindelof, and Tom King, follows Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewart in a mystery that will ‘weave back and forth between the films and the television shows’ of the DCU.
HBO has officially picked up DC Studios’ live action Green Lantern series Lanterns for an eight-episode season.
Chris Mundy (Ozark, True Detective) serves as showrunner, executive producer, and co-writer for the project alongside Damon Lindelof (Lost, Watchmen) and Tom King (Mister Miracle, Supergirl). Lindelof and King also executive produce.
“We are elated to be reuniting with both Chris Mundy and Damon Lindelof as they partner with Tom for this fresh take on DC’s Green Lantern,” said Casey Bloys, chairman/CEO of HBO and Max Content. “As part of James and Peter’s vision for the DC Universe, this first new live action series will mark an exciting new era.”
James Gunn and Peter Safran, Co-Chairmen and Co-CEOs of DC Studios, added, “We’re thrilled to bring this seminal DC title to HBO with Chris, Damon and Tom at the helm. John Stewart and Hal Jordan are two of DC’s most compelling characters, and LANTERNS brings them to life in an original detective story that is a foundational part of the unified DCU we’re launching next summer with ‘Superman.’”
First announced in January of last year, the series follows Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and John Stewart. Peter Safran previously described the series as “more of a True Detective-type mystery with our two Lanterns. A terrestrial-based mystery” that will, “weave back and forth between the films and the television shows.” The official logline: The series follows new recruit John Stewart and Lantern legend Hal Jordan, two intergalactic cops drawn into a dark, earth-based mystery as they investigate a murder in the American heartland.
Warner Bros. TV produces with DC Studios and HBO.
Source: HBO