Gnomon Workshop Releases New Sculpture DVD With John Brown

This week The Gnomon Workshop welcomes back instructor John Brown with the seventh and newest installment to his sculpture series. Exploring a specific theme as in his last DVD, SCULPTING THE FEMME FATALE, Brown delves into creating and sculpting a comic book style superhero.

What makes this tutorial unique is Brown's development of an iconic hero character with the collaboration of illustrator Chris Sears and the resulting illustrated montage "Origins," presented at the beginning of the tutorial. Jumping into the sculpting demonstration, John then discusses all the facets of superhero anatomy, attitude, story and costuming.

Inside SCULPTING COMIC BOOK STYLE, John demonstrates how to sculpt a comic book superhero character. Beginning with a special illustrated montage “Origins”, the sculpted character morphs right off the comic book pages into the clay model where the student learns the origins of the character and the importance of creating a backstory for the superhero.

Followed by a concept sketch and a scaled illustration, students will quickly learn the essentials of male anatomy through a comparative study, learning how to extrapolate and overemphasize male anatomy to superhero proportions. Other exciting topics include the creative thought process, costuming and sculpting attitude. Developing good work habits for creating these dynamic characters is unveiled step by step.

Brown has worked as a character and creature designer/sculptor for more than 15 years in the motion picture industry. His skills and knowledge have placed him in the top live-action special make-up effects houses in Hollywood. Credits include: ALIEN RESURRECTION, SPECIES 2, GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE, JUMANJI, X-FILES, TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES, THE OUTER LIMITS, BATS, MARS ATTACKS, BLESS THE CHILD, MONKEY BONE, THE CELL, SPY KIDS, SCARY MOVIE 2, and PLANET OF THE APES. John is also a bronze figurative artist whose sculptures reside in private collections throughout the United States.

Visit for more information on The Gnomon Workshop and their library of training DVDs.