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Gaumont Animation Announces New Management Structure

Gaumont Animation’s MD Pierre Belaisch restructures the studio’s management team, with Marc Dhrami taking on the role of head of production, Michael Manaud becoming director of legal and business affairs, and Heath Kenny becoming creative VP and executive producer in charge of scouting new projects.

Gaumont Animation’s MD Pierre Belaisch has restructured the studio’s management team in the wake of the departure of Jean-Pierre Quenet, former head of production operations, at the end of last year.

Marc Dhrami takes on the role of head of production adding studio operations and productions to his co-production responsibilities. Dhrami joined Gaumont Animation in January 2011 as head of financing and co-productions.

Michael Manaud becomes director of legal and business affairs, adding financing solutions with subsiding bodies and any potential investor (except via co-productions), to his legal responsibilities. Manaud joined Gaumont Animation in 2001 in the legal department.

Finally, on top of heading development, Heath Kenny becomes creative VP and executive producer in charge of scouting new projects, both existing IPs and originals, to develop and bring to production. He will work closely with Marc Dhrami and Michael Manaud. Kenny will also be responsible for strengthening Gaumont Animation’s relationship with North American partners – including right owners, broadcasters and co-producers.

France-based Gaumont Animation, formerly known as Alpahnim before it rebranded last March, is the studio behind such children’s series as NoddyLanfeust Quest and Atomic Puppet.

Source: Gaumont Animation

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Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.