Future Animators Of The Future 3rd Annual Animation And Video Show

Future Animators Of The Future 3rd Annual Animation And Video Show.

Boston and New York, USA.

Thursday, October 10 - Wednesday, October 30, 2002.

Entry Deadline: Friday, August 30, 2002.

The FAF Show provides a showcase for animators and video makers who wish to entertain and generally prod the audience into some sort of reaction (whether it be positive or otherwise). The FAF Show screens in a number of major cities with primary marketing in New York and Boston. Accepted formats for entry: mini-DV, VHS, DVD, CD with QuickTime compatible format, or CD with Flash compatible (.swf) file. Shorts must be no longer than 12 minutes. To enter visit the Website and download the entry form. Early deadline (with no entry fee) is August 30, 2002. Late deadline (with $15 entry fee) is September 15, 2002. Contact: John Holt, Future Animators of Future, 540 5th St., Brooklyn, New York 11215, USA. Phone: 718-499-1676; Fax: 718-499-1676; Email: fafcom@fafcom.com; URL: http://www.fafcom.com.
