Entertaindom Orders More The God & Devil Show

Entertaindom.com, Time Warner's on-line entertainment destination, has

picked up 17 additional episodes of its smash hit, THE GOD & DEVIL SHOW

from Mondo Media, a leading creator and distributor of serial-based

animated content. THE GOD & DEVIL SHOW, an animated weekly "talk show"

launched on Entertaindom in November. Each week the show features hosts God

and the Devil interviewing then deciding the eternal fates of various

"celebrity" guests (including impersonations of Keith Richards, Bill Gates,

Chris Rock, Martha Stewart, George Lucas and Mahatma Gandhi).

Want to learn more about Mondo Media? Then read Lee Dannacher profile in

the March 2000 issue of Animation World Magazine.

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
