The live-action film will be based on Violet Karim’s Webtoon webcomic that follows Sophie, a pop star who tragically dies and is transported to Hell, only to be resurrected by her number one fan - the Grim Reaper.
Diablo Cody and frequent collaborator Mason Novick (Juno, 500 Days of Summer, Lisa Frankenstein) will team with Wattpad Webtoon Studios to produce a film adaptation of the Webtoon webcomic Death of a Pop Star, according to Variety. Isa Mazzei (Cam, How to Blow Up a Pipeline) will pen the script.
Written by Violet Karim, the webcomic follows Sophie, a pop star who tragically dies and is transported to Hell. Luckily, the Grim Reaper is the singer’s number one fan and resurrects her; however, the favor comes with a price.
“Death of a Pop Star is one of those titles that just lends itself so perfectly to a live-action adaptation,” said Wattpad Webtoon Studios president Aron Levitz. “Violet created such a mesmerizing, must-read story, and when it came to choosing a partner to help us bridge the gap between the living and the dead, who else does that better than Diablo Cody?”
“As a huge fan of both pop music and the undead, I am so excited to help bring this offbeat story to the screen,” added Cody.
Levitz executive produces alongside David Madden and Jason Goldberg.