Dave Child, one of the industry's top vfx artists, has recently hooked up with leading post-production boutique Golden Square, having run the 3D department at One Post for three years and before that, senior animator at Rushes.
Child joins the recently expanded 3D department of six full-time animators plus permanent freelancers. Golden Square has recently refurbished a stylish and comfortable new space at no. 4 (Golden Square) to accommodate the ever-increasing workload and staff. No. 4 will also accommodate two new suites, Disqo and the design department.
Having spent 18 months at MPC working as a sequence supervisor on the Oscar-nominated POSEIDON, as well as on the upcoming SUNSHINE, Child started working for Golden Square on a freelance basis. Within three months, he was enticed to become a permanent member of staff.
Ewan MacLeod, exec producer at Golden Square, said, "Being able to entice someone of Dave's caliber to Golden Square's rapidly expanding CG department is fantastic and reflects how far we have come in CG in a relatively short space of time. It's a very exciting time for us."
Golden Square Post Production was founded in 1999 by Phil Gillies, Ewan MacLeod, Alan Young, Brian Stephens and Harry Jarman. Over the past seven years Golden Square's team of award-winning editors and visual effects artists have worked on high profile campaigns, which include Orange, Nike, Sky, Coca Cola and HSBC, as well as promos for Chris Cunningham, Artic Monkeys and KT Tunstall, among others.
Earlier this year Golden Square launched Disqo, their innovative digital production operation, with the aim of offering creative and production expertise in the digital arena. They have since produced work for Cantos.com with QI commercials and The Child Protection Agency with Profero.