For its 2000 edition and its 40th anniversary (June 5-10, 2000), the Annecy International Animated Film Festival received 1,092 films (995 in 1999) from 52 countries. 279 of them, representing 36 countries, have been selected for official competition with 207 in competition and 72 in panorama. The selection committee members were: Barbel Neubauer (filmmaker, Germany), Luca Raffaelli (journalist, Italy), Jannik Hastrup (filmmaker, Denmark) and Francois Darrasse (teacher, France) for short and feature films; Cristina Brandner Garcia (Neptuno, Spain), Andre de Semlyen (Cartoon Network, France) and John Bullivant (TV Looneland, UK) for TV and commissioned films; Claire Fouquet (teacher/filmmaker, France), Lydia Boutot (Prix Pixel-Imagina, France) and Jean-Luc Slock (Camera Enfants Admis, Belgium) for student and graduation films. Festival guests include Mr. Roy E. Disney, as Honorary President of this 24th edition, John Lasseter, Jimmy Murakami and more. Annecy 2000 will present a 10-program retrospective of one century of frame by frame cinema, under the aegis of prestigious animation historian Giannalberto Bendazzi, and a program of the Annecy Grand Prix winners since 1960. Other events include the participation of triple Oscar-winning animator Richard Williams, with a three-day Animation Masterclass on the principles of animation. The MIFA expo will be open June 7-10, 2000, and feature a sizable new technologies area. Conferences include "The Future Of Animation On The Web," "Motion-Capture: Animation or Not Animation," "Short Fiction Films, Goodbye to the 20th Century" and "Franco-Spanish Co-Productions." For more information and registration forms, visit, call (+33.4)., or fax (+33.4).