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Annecy International Film Festival

* Monday, June 5 Saturday, June 10, 2000. Annecy, France.

The 24th Annecy International Film Festival and Market will celebrate a century of animation in an unprecedented tribute to all forms of the art. The festivities even include the participation of Richard Williams. The triple Oscar-winning animator, regarded by many in the industry as a modern master, will offer a three-day Animation Masterclass on the principles of animation, June 3-5, 2000. The MIFA expo (International Animated Film Market) will be open June 7-10, 2000, and feature a sizable new technologies area. The MIFA conference themes and speaker names will be available soon on the festival web site. Participation forms for the scientific conference NPAR 2000 (First International Symposium on Non Photorealistic Animation and Rendering, June 5-7, 2000) will be ready in February. For more information contact the Annecy Festival & MIFA at: 6 avenue des Iles, 74013 Annecy Cedex, France; Tel.: ++ 33 (0) 4 50 10 09 00; Fax: ++ 33 (0) 4 50 10 09 70; E-mail:; and Web:
