NorthAmerican anime distributor A.D. Vision, Inc. (ADV), has partneredwith CoMix Wave, Inc., a Japanese anime and manga management andproduction company, to promote and popularize CoMix Wave's creativetalent and holdings. CoMix Wave manages more than 50 of Japan's topmanga artists and illustrators, and works to discover and promote newtalent within the industry. The company also manages production --both in Japan and overseas -- of a variety of anime projects,including Koji Morimoto and Studio 4C's Clio Award- winning spots forHong Kong shoe franchise La Saunda, and the film VOICES OF A DISTANTSTAR by Makoto Shinkai. As part of the new alliance, ADV hopes toexpand recognition of manga artists within an American fan base. ADVwill also help CoMix Wave create and market merchandise and relatedmedia from the artists' works and intellectual properties.