The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' Scientific and TechnicalAwards Committee has announced nineteen scientific or technicalachievements to be considered for 1999 Academy Awards. The Sci/Techcommittee selected the achievements for their outstanding impact on themotion picture industry, and although this is just an initial list (the 19products/developments will undergo vigorous investigation by the committeebefore being short-listed for nomination), it is exciting news for many inthe animation and visual effects industry. Achievements on the listinclude: Dream Quest Images 'Hookah Hybrid Atmospheric Physics Simulatorand Renderer' (which is used to simulate and render gaseous naturalphenomena such as smoke, clouds, tornadoes and blowing sand); PDI's'Character Modeling System;' ILM's 'Prerender' and 'Skin Animation System;'and Alias|Wavefront's 'Interactive Photorealistic Rendering System' (asseen in Maya).