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Category: Home Entertainment

Films Headline News

Image releases 3 Hubley DVDs

The Hubley Studio has created some ofthe most innovative and challenging animation in the history of the artform. Beginning with the partnership of John and Faith Hubley, andcontinuing with Faith and Emily Hubley, they have received countless awardsand international acclaim. Earlier this year, Image Entertainment releasedtheir first Hubley DVD, ART AND JAZZ IN ANIMATION. Now, they offer threemore. HUBLEY COLLECTION #1 includes ENTER LIFE (1981), UPSIDE DOWN (1991),WHO AM I (1989), BLAKE BALL (1988), TIME OF THE ANGELS (1987), PEOPLE,

Headline News

Here is some additional info about THE IRON GIANT DVD

Last week we announced that the THE IRON GIANT laser disc release will havea 1.85:1 aspect ratio, whereas the film was released with a 2.35:1. Inaddition, when we announced the DVD and VHS releases three weeks ago, weneglected to mention that the DVD, as well as the widescreen VHS release,will also be 1.85:1. It's unfortunate that none of these will be 2.35:1because Brad Bird designed THE IRON GIANT partly in homage to theCinemaScope films of the 1950s, and he even wanted to include "CinemaScope"

Headline News

Harryhausen's SINBAD comes to DVD

Columbia TriStar Home Video is releasing Ray Harryhausen's first color andindependently produced feature, 1958's THE 7TH VOYAGE OF SINBAD, on DVD inthe US on November 30, 1999. Extras include a documentary called THE RAYHARRYHAUSEN CHRONICLES; THIS IS DYNAMATION, a documentary about RayHarryhausen's animation techniques; A LOOK BEHIND THE VOYAGE and JASON ANDTHE ARGONAUTS, two interviews; and textual supplements on the cast andcrew, including Harryhausen, director Nathan Juran, Kerwin Matthews

Headline News

Image announces IRON GIANT on laser disc

Image Entertainment is releasing Warner Bros.' THE IRON GIANT, thecritically acclaimed film directed by Brad Bird, on laser disc on December7, 1999. The laser disc will be letterboxed at 1.85:1 (the film was about2.35:1), and retail for US$29.98. There will not be any extras. Laser discssell out quickly these days, and are less likely than ever to bere-pressed, so you may want to pre-order this one. THE IRON GIANT, based ona children's book by Ted Hughes, is about a boy who befriends an alienrobot in 1950s America.

Story Headline News


On December 7, 1999, Disney is releasing MICKEY'S ONCE UPON A CHRISTMAS onDVD. This all-new, full-length video features three tales starring Mickey,Donald and Goofy, each one about Christmas. In the first story, Mickey andMinnie recall the year they both gave up what was most important to themfor the sake of the other, making for one unforgettable Christmas. In thesecond story, Goofy and Max remember when they experienced a series ofhilarious, but faith-shaking events - and a visit from the real Santa made

Digital Headline News

Disney announces BUG'S LIFE Collector's Edition DVD

Disney will release A BUG'S LIFE - COLLECTOR'S EDITION DVD on November 23, 1999. The Disney/Pixarfilm, which crosses the Western THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN (a remake of AkiraKurosawa's SEVEN SAMURAI) with Aesop's THE ANT AND THE GRASSHOPPER, isabout an inventive ant named Flik who hires what he believes are "warriorbugs" to defend his colony from a horde of freeloading grasshoppers. Aswith the TOY STORY laserdisc box set, the supplemental features areplentiful:


Headline News

Paramount announces Beavis & Butt-Head, South Park DVDs

Paramount Home Video will release BEAVIS & BUTT-HEAD DO AMERICA on DVD in the US onNovember 23, 1999. In this animated feature, directed by Mike Judge, andbased on his MTV show, Beavis and Butt-Head tour America. The DVD isletterboxed at 1.85:1 and includes two trailers. The retail price isUS$29.99. The animated feature SOUTH PARK: BIGGER, LONGER AND UNCUT,directed by Matt Stone and based on his and Trey Parker's Comedy Centralseries, shows what happens to the South Park gang after they sneak into an

Headline News

HEAVY METAL rough cut comes to DVD!

Columbia-Tri Star Home Video is releasing a collector's edition DVD ofHEAVY METAL which was supervised by Gerald Potterton and released in 1981.Those who bought the laser rot-prone laserdisc that was released threeyears ago will want to purchase this new release even if their LD remainsin pristine condition. The movie is digitally remastered and in widescreen,with anamorphic video. Hopefully, that means it has a new transfer that,unlike the previous widescreen release, does not cut off the top and bottom

Series Headline News


Manga Video is releasing MACROSS PLUS on DVD on October 12, 1999. MACROSSPLUS, directed by Shoji Kawamori, is a DTV (direct-to-video) which is basedon the original Japanese TV series SUPERDIMENSIONAL FORTRESS MACROSS, whichwas used as the basis for the 1980s American TV series ROBOTECH. MACROSSPLUS is set approximately thirty years after the original MACROSS and justbefore the events in the Japanese TV series MACROSS 7. In MACROSS PLUS, theuniverse's most popular virtual reality singer, Sharon Apple, comes alive

Headline News

A.D.V Films releases more anime for fans

A.D.V. Films is releasing the following anime titles in the US. On November9: MARTIAN SUCCESSOR NADESICO VOLUME 1 - INVASION! - An unorthodox crewfights to save Earth from annihilation by Martians; COMPILER 2 - It'sCompiler versus Compiler in deadly showdown!; and ORIGINAL DIRTY PAIRVOLUME 4 - Kei and Yuri stumble upon a child who is the sole survivor of amass murder committed over twenty years ago. November 23: BUBBLEGUM CRISISVOLUME 2 - TRIAL BY FIRE - Sylia's brother Mackey joins the team as the

Headline News

IRON GIANT comes to home video

Some fans, who are still shaking their heads over the poor boxoffice performance of the critically acclaimed THE IRON GIANT, director Brad Bird's adaptation of the children's book by British Poet Laureate Ted Hughes, have suggested that Warner Bros. should re-vamp their publicity campaign for the film by targeting a larger audience than the young kids that were originally targeted, and re-release THE IRON GIANT theatrically. Such a scenario appears unlikely now that Warner Home Video has announced THE IRON GIANT for home video and DVD.

Headline News


Los Angeles-based WinStar, which has recently released a number of publicdomain titles under the CARTOON CRAZYS heading, is releasing a "fullyrestored" version of the Fleischer Bros. 1939 feature, GULLIVER'S TRAVELS,on DVD and VHS on September 28, 1999 in the US. Transferred from a newlystruck print taken from an original negative, this version featuresenhanced audio remixed in Dolby Digital and Dolby Surround sound. Themusical score also has been remastered with additional scoring and

Animation Headline News

Image releases Hubley DVD

Earlier this year Image Entertainment andLightyear released ART AND JAZZ IN ANIMATION, a compilation DVD of morethan four hours of features and shorts by John and Faith Hubley. Thecompilation includes two features, THE COSMIC EYE and OF STARS AND MEN, aswell as the shorts: OF MEN AND DEMONS, VOYAGE TO NEXT, EGGS, COCKABOODY,THE HOLE, THE HAT, DIG, HARLEM WEDNESDAY, ADVENTURES OF *, URBANISSIMO, andTHE TENDER GAME. While some of the older films are disappointingly fadedand a bit worn, fans of Hubley or independent animation will not want to

Universal Headline News

Universal releasing new Alvin and the Chipmunks video

Universal Studios Home Video is releasing ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS MEET FRANKENSTEIN. Produced anddirected by Kathi Castillo and animated at Universal Cartoon Studios inUniversal City, California, the direct-to-video shows what happens when thehavoc wrecking chipmunks encounter Dr. Frankenstein and his creation at aUniversal Studios-type amusement park. The chipmunks were created by RossBagadasarian (aka David Seville) in 1958 for the hit novelty record, "TheChipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)." Seville's earlier hit, "Witch

Headline News

PINOCCHIO returns to VHS

Buena Vista Home Entertainment previously announced that the 60thAnniversary Edition of Disney's classic PINOCCHIO would be the first Disneyanimated feature to be released in the DVD format [Animation Flash8/24/99]. Now they have announced that a new VHS edition of PINOCCHIO,fully restored and THX-certified, will be available on the same day as theDVD version, October 26, 1999 in the US. This version will include a"Making of Pinocchio" bonus section, which will only be available on the

Headline News

Kino releases Brothers Quay


Disney Headline News

Disney classics come to DVD

Although Disney has released a few titles on DVD, including THE NIGHTMAREBEFORE CHRISTMAS and A BUG'S LIFE, they have not released their classics inthe US on DVD, preferring to back DIVX, a DVD competitor that was soldthrough Circuit City retail stores. But now that DIVX is defunct, due tothe lack of consumer support, Disney is embracing DVD. Buena Vista HomeEntertainment will debut nine of Disney's animated features on DVD over thenext four months. Each of the titles will be available for a limited 60-day

Headline News

THE WALL and SPAWN 3: THE ULTIMATE BATTLE among new DVD releases

Columbia Records will celebrate the 20th anniversary ofthe release of PINK FLOYD's album THE WALL with the release of the film onDVD in October. The film includes animation designed and directed by Gerald Scarfe, who went onto design Disney's HERCULES. The DVD features a new transfer of theoriginal widescreen film, as well as unreleased footage, a remastered 5.1Dolby Digital soundtrack, the 25-minute "making of" documentary THE OTHERSIDE OF THE WALL, and the new 45-minute documentary RETROSPECTIVE, with

Time Headline News


Image Entertainment is releasing BOB CLAMPETT'S BEANY AND CECIL: THESPECIAL EDITION DVD on October 12, 1999 in the US. Created by RobertClampett, BEANY AND CECIL, about the adventures of a sea sick sea serpentand his pal, Beany, began as a live broadcast puppet show, TIME FOR BEANY,in the 1950s, before being re-done as an animated series in the early1960s. There was also a brief revival for Saturday morning television inthe 1980s. The DVD will include a dozen of the original Beany and Cecil

Headline News

Wallace & Gromit and Bugs Bunny return!

Warner Bros. Home Video is re-releasing the feature length THE LOONEY,LOONEY, LOONEY BUGS BUNNY MOVIE, a collection of Looney Tunes by FrizFreleng. It includes the following Bugs Bunny shorts: KNIGHTY KNIGHT BUGS,SAHARA HARE, ROMAN LEGION HARE, HIGH DIVING HARE, HARE TRIMMED, SHOW BIZBUGS, WILD AND WOOLY HARE, and THE UNMENTIONABLES, as well as CATTYCORNERED (Tweety & Sylvester), GOLDEN YEGGS (Daffy Duck), and THE THREELITTLE BOPS. (Note: Some films may not be complete.) Also from Warner Bros.

Headline News

More U.S. Disney videos are on the way

Disney is releasing three original made-for-video titles. MADELINE: LOST IN PARIS will appear on August 3. Featuring the voice talents of Jason Alexander, Lauren Bacall, and Christopher Plummer, the story is based on characters that first appeared in the Madeline book series by Ludwig Bemelmans. In LOST IN PARIS, Madeline and her eleven school friends get immersed in an evil plot to steal Madeline's inheritance. BELLE'S TALES OF FRIENDSHIP and HERCULES: ZERO TO HERO will both be released on August 17.

Headline News

Don't miss these new U.S. home entertainment releases

This list of upcoming home entertainment releases includes some new titles,but most of them are new only to DVD. Disney has just re-released ROBINHOOD and ALICE IN WONDERLAND; their live-action RETURN TO OZ, whichincludes some stop-motion by Will Vinton Studios, will be released on DVDand VHS on August 10. Touchstone's WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT? will bereleased on DVD on September 28. Warner Bros. has just released 1999'sanimated THE KING AND I on both VHS and DVD; WALLACE AND GROMIT: THE

Wars Headline News

New anime releases for Fall 1999

A.D.V. Films is releasing the following titles in the US. CITY HUNTER: BAYCITY WARS, and SORCERER HUNTERS VOLUME 5 - FORBIDDEN DESIRES, are beingreleased on October 12, while SAKURA WARS 2, SAKURA WARS DVD, and VARIABLEGEO, are being released on October 26. All of these titles will be releasedin both English dubbed and Japanese with English subtitles. A.D.V.'sSoftcel division, which specializes in titles with nudity, sex, and adultsituations, is releasing CAN CAN BUNNY and COUNTDOWN: AKIRA on September

Animation Headline News

Facets gets Expanded

Torrance, California-based Expanded Entertainment, which produced theTournee of Animation and Animation Celebration in recent years, andcompiled and distributed tapes of award-winning animated shorts, has soldits inventory to Chicago-based Facets Video, which also handles The WholeToon Catalog. The titles include four Animation Celebration volumes,British Animation Invasion, six International Tournee of Animation volumes,The World's Greatest Animation, and several other titles. Once Facets'

Film Headline News

YELLOW SUBMARINE returns to video!

Long-withheld due to a legal snag, this fall MGM Home Entertainment will bereissuing YELLOW SUBMARINE. This release will restore YELLOW SUBMARINE toits original English release length, which is said to be three and a halfminutes longer than the US release, restoring the "Hey Bulldog" sequencethat was cut for reasons of length for the original Amercian theatricalrelease. MGM/UA's new transfer is said to be bright and colorful, without atrace of the film dirt and scratches that mar the earlier video release.
