Image Entertainment is releasing BOB CLAMPETT'S BEANY AND CECIL: THESPECIAL EDITION DVD on October 12, 1999 in the US. Created by RobertClampett, BEANY AND CECIL, about the adventures of a sea sick sea serpentand his pal, Beany, began as a live broadcast puppet show, TIME FOR BEANY,in the 1950s, before being re-done as an animated series in the early1960s. There was also a brief revival for Saturday morning television inthe 1980s. The DVD will include a dozen of the original Beany and Cecilcartoons from 1962, including THE MONSTROUS MONSTER, BEANY AND THE BOOBIRDS, SO WHAT AND THE SEVEN WHAT NOTS, SUPER CECIL, SPOTS OFF A LEOPARD,THE WILDMAN OF WILDSVILLE, BEANYLAND, THE MAD ISLE OF MADHATTAN, CECILMEETS THE SINGING DINOSAUR, DIRTY POOL, DJ THE DJ, and THERE'S NO SUCHTHING AS A SEA SERPENT. The DVD will also include a huge amount of bonusmaterial, including: the original MATTY'S FUNNIES (the show during whichBEANY AND CECIL cartoons were first shown) opening in color, and a coupleof the original MATTY'S FUNNIES bumpers; four full episodes of TIME FORBEANY that have not been seen since their original airing fifty years ago;additional unique clips from TIME FOR BEANY; a full episode of THUNDERBOLTTHE WONDERCOLT; a musical number from THE WILLY THE WOLF SHOW; afund-raiser promotional film featuring the Mr. Peepers Wolf puppet and asexy live-action little Red Riding Hood; backstage and home movies fromTIME FOR BEANY and THUNDERBOLT; Bob Clampett's first television interview;and other early home movies. It will also include a section called "TheLost Work," which will include ten projects Clampett developed, but neverreleased to the public. These projects span fifty years from the 1930sthrough the 1970s, and include work with Sheriff John, June Foray, PaulFrees, Edgar Bergen; tests for a 3D Beany and Cecil Puppet Feature in theearly 1950s; live-action heads on cartoon bodies featuring Judy Canova,Billy Gilbert, Verna Felton, and the voice of Mel Blanc. There is also anaudio oral history from Bob Clampett speaking about his career that wasedited by Milt Gray, and an audio commentary from Stan Freberg, who, withDaws Butler, did the voices on TIME FOR BEANY, talking in depth about theexperience of working on TIME FOR BEANY, and a commentary from WalkerEdmiston talking about Beany and his work on THUNDERBOLT and WILLY THEWOLF. There is also a story session recording of a very special TIME FORBEANY episode where Bob Clampett and staff create a satire of the McCarthyhearings. There are even over 550 stills! The disc's producer, RobClampett, Jr., also promises some surprises. All this for only US$29.99suggested retail.

The September 1999 issue of Animation World Magazine will feature the firstof a two part article by Robert Story about Beany and Cecil and RobertClampett.
