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What is the best way to utilize "symbols" in Adobe Animate?

By Serena | Monday, March 28, 2022 at 3:49pm

I am learning to use the program Adobe Animate for 2D short stories to put on YouTube. I'm watching through the Bloop Animation course for this, and it's been really great so far.

However, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around how it is I should be making the best out of symbols. I don't really understand when to use them, or in what way.

For example, if I am animating a character and want to utilize symbols somehow, should I be making the entire character in one symbol with simply layers within the symbol containing each part of the character, or should I be making a symbol for each part of the character separately?

It's for some reason just so confusing to me, and I'm not sure what to do to work on certain scenarios most efficiently.

What is your process when it comes to using symbols? How are they intended to be used, and what are some workflows that use them best?

lilliefishel's picture

Animate adds the symbol to the library. The selection on the Stage becomes an instance of the symbol. Once you have created a symbol, you can edit it in symbol edit mode by choosing Edit > Edit Symbols, or you can edit it in the context of the Stage by choosing Edit > Edit In Place.