I'm working on an animation piece for my class and wondering if I could also get some feedback here as will. So, for me as a novice work on this for a very long time.
But here what I got:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEDKU9asICc
Still working on the blocking of the animation walmartone . It is a 10 second animation and meanly forcing on body mechanics for now.
It really works, thanks for all suggestions.
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Novice needs feedback is a good idea because if you don't get feedback from the teacher, your work will not be done well. So I think that I like the idea of novice needs feedback because it is important for me to get my work done well. It would be nice to know what others think about them and if they have any advice or suggestions. I recommended this https://bestwritersadvise.com/ site for best experience. Feedback can also be given to help people who are just starting out in the sport.
thanks for all suggestions. classic games
Creating an animation project is indeed a challenging and time-consuming endeavor. However, it is undoubtedly worth it if done well. It is essential for individuals to approach it with patience and take gradual steps towards its completion.