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What is the best Desktop PC for Maya Animation

By vishal | Friday, January 18, 2019 at 11:02pm

I am due for a new PC and I was wondering if anybody has any suggestion for a Desktop PC. I don't do a lot of rendering, mainly animating in Maya. Thanks for your help.



freddy's picture
Submitted by freddy on

an ideal PC for rendering task and using maya, could be dell alien ware, it is gaming series laptops and desktops by dell inc, you could build your own system too with customized hardware but first you have to make your budget for it.

Karen Nice's picture
Submitted by Karen Nice on

I recommend you to make a customize PC for animation. I also have a customize PC for Animation videos. The benefit of it is the cost will get cheaper and you can use it for multipurpose like gaming, editing, etc etc. Reecoupons make and sell customized PC as customers requirement. Also, they have many customized PC ready to sell. I purchased from there.  

Supreme Animation's picture

CPU Gen --- AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3rd Gen.

Memory ----  16 to 128GB DDR4

Graphics Support ---- 4x NVIDIA Quadro 4x NVIDIA GeForce 4x AMD Radeon Pro

ANYDOKO Creative Studios's picture

In my opinion, the Ryzen Threadripper (WS-1640A-G4) is the perfect desktop PC for Maya Animation. Following are their specifications-

CPU GEN- AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3rd Gen.
MAX. CORES / THREADS- 64 / 128
MEMORY- 16 to 128GB DDR4
GRAPHICS SUPPORT- 4x NVIDIA Quadro, 4x NVIDIA GeForce, and 4x AMD Radeon Pro