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Cost of a 2 - 4 minute 2D animation.

By Solkey | Wednesday, October 4, 2017 at 10:33am

we are an indie group that is developing its first game and we need a cinematic trailer of approximately 2- 4 minutes long, it is a "simple" animation something like a motion comic or images that have little movement. we have the character design, the storyboard, and basically all the colorless sketches of what we want to animate. we have an illustrator who can do all the drawings and color the drawings. We also have a musician for the sound. what we want is basically a comic that opens and the viewer sees all the scenes and little by little is introduced in them one at a time, where the static image starts to get a little life. basically has particles of dust, light, shadows, and other simple animations. How much would it cost to animate something like this? we have a budget of about 3000 dollars.

here is a video example we made to show an aproximation of how we would like it to be (our game is called sneaky snake):


Mansi.k's picture
Submitted by Mansi.k on

The cost for 2D Animation videos depends on various factors like the number of characters, the type of music you want/voiceover, video quality, level of complexity etc. You can check the estimated explainer video cost to get an idea. I hope it helps!  :)