.MOV - A series of manic, surrealist, absurdist shorts.

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.MOV - A series of manic, surrealist, absurdist shorts.

Every May long weekend I partake in an animation lockdown. You're given 48 hours to make something to a theme and can work with a couple team-mates. The theme was to do something new to you. I worked with my friends Alex/Avery on this really weird video about a fox (our goal was to make something uper bizarre) and we won! Later we had the idea to turn it into a bizarre series of adult-swim styled shorts in the vein of alternative humour. Where we would make each installment the same way (rushed in roughly 50 hours, like a lockdown animation). The series is called ".MOV" with the episode titles appearing before the actual title (ex: "Badroommate.MOV")

Here's a playist with both installments so far. The first video was made back in May in 48 hours. And the second video was made last weekend in about 50:


StudioDaeera's picture
"Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. But fail better."

"Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. But fail better."