Going it on your own

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Going it on your own

Hey all, I'm new here and looking for some support.  I'm a programmer who has had great experiences animating in the past, claymation, etc.  Now, I'm developing some software to help me animate.  The thing is,  I have a regular job and this is sort of my side conquest.  Eventually I'd like to make it my full time employment.  Something is holding me back.  I spend a lot of time playing video games and regretting it afterwards, even during sometimes.  Does anyone have any tips or great reasons why you animate?  I'd love to hear them.



Toonplane's picture
__________________ Animation software http://zsenji.com Check out Zsenji - Squirrel Tremors (made using our software) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDWxT3PIkPc

Animation software http://zsenji.com
Check out Zsenji - Squirrel Tremors (made using our software)

Great reasons to animate,

Great reasons to animate, that would be that we love it. There are post here from people who wont to animate to a very set goal, like medicine. So what isyour motivation to draw hundreds of images every week?

I think if anyone looks for

I think if anyone looks for this "magic pill" that motivates them to animate, they won't find it.

The motivation has to come from your own levels of internal disquiet or drive......and if video games have a stronger siren call then your drive isn't strong enough.

This really isn't hard to figure out.........what do you surround yourself with? What are you truly passionate about?  It's playing video games, not animating, by the sounds of it.
Right now it's easier to stomach a little guilt, or some regret than to animate--that is what is holding you back and that's telling you a lot right there.

You want a yardstick to measure things by??

If it's not an obsession, it's not enough.
 To really do this stuff you need to, at some point early on, make the decision........to trip that mental switch that says you do this to the exclusion of all else.  Because otherwise you'll realise that eventually it will never become a source of full-time employment, it'll remain some weak prayer, with little faith to launch it.  

Once you make that choice, putting down the video games will be easy, because you have a new thing to stimulate you.......and new goal to drive towards. You may not have a clear plan of the path ahead......and you don;t need a complete one.  You just need to figure out the first steps and calrify the vague ones a bit further off--and then the distance steps will come into clarity as you gain momentum.
But the obsessive passion is probably the biggest tool you can have.

But also understand the pitfalls ahead;  if you gravitate back to the video games, it's a signal that animation is just another affectation for you, and your real passions lay elsewhere.


"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

You can animate stuff like

You can animate stuff like video games, to me creating games is more simulating than playing games. But animation is something that each person does for his/her own reasons, and if you want to be great you need to be super passionate about it, otherwise you become one of those layed-off animators we always hear about. 

Still makes sense

Thanks for all the comments.  I'm starting to see it as becoming a significant endeavor with far rippling effects, powerful enough to transport me to all sorts of new and interesting locations, not just on the page.  To compete with games designed to be exciting, I must fight full force to create the same excitement where others would miss it.  I feel very close to all the others throughout history who were misunderstood until their work was truly accepted.


Animation software http://zsenji.com
Check out Zsenji - Squirrel Tremors (made using our software)