2014 newport beach film festival is now open for submissions!

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2014 newport beach film festival is now open for submissions!

The Newport Beach Film Festival is now open for all film submissions!
The 15th annual Newport Beach Film Festival will spotlight over 350 films from around the world, including short and feature length narrative, documentary, animated and student films that will compete for a series of Jury, Festival Honors and Audience Awards.

The Newport Beach Film Festival has premiered films from over 40 countries, those of which include a number of U.S., West Coast, and world premieres. In addition to film screenings, the Festival hosts premiere galas, an industry seminar series, spotlights, and question and answer sessions with filmmakers. So submit your film to become a part of the 2014 Newport Beach Film Festival!

*Receive a discount when you submit through Withoutabox!

The Festival will run from April 24th to May 1st, 2014.
For more information, visit www.NewportBeachFilmFest.com

2014 newport beach film festival thanksgiving special

The NBFF Thanksgiving Special is almost over! The 2014 Newport Beach Film Festival will spotlight over 350 films from over 40 different countries, including short and feature length narrative, documentary, animated and student films. In addition to film screenings, the Festival hosts premiere galas, an industry seminar series, spotlights, and question and answer sessions with filmmakers.

Submit your film now for the chance to be part of the 2014 Newport Beach Film Festival!



*Submit on the web with Withoutabox.com and receive a discount!

For more information, visit www.NewportBeachFilmFest.com

2014 newport beach film festival – early bird deadline oct 25!

The NBFF Early Bird Deadline is approaching! Submit your film now to be part of the
2014 Newport Beach Film Festival!
*Receive a discount when you submit through Withoutabox!
The Festival will run from April 24th to May 1st, 2014.
Visit www.NewportBeachFilmFest.com to submit!