Urgent question, please help

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Urgent question, please help

Hi, I have a very important question in mind and I would really appreciate it if you help me on this.
In the academy award-winning animated short La Maison en Petit Cubes, of course you have noticed that an interesting effect has been applied to images throughout the film. The images are covered by seemingly a layer of small black dots with various opacity levels around the images. It is as if a handful of black powder has been poured on the images. It’s a pretty interesting effect. It has given the images I sense of freshness. I really like it and I was wondering if you could help me find out what exactly this effect is and how we can create this effect on images? Is this effect created using some special kind of software? After Effect? Photoshop? Flash?
I would really appreciate it if you let me know how the director has achieved to apply this beautiful effect and what needs to be done to create this effect.
I also put the link of images I’m talking about so that you check out the images and see the effect on them. I have also seen the effect on other images and I put the link. Please check them and tell me about them.
Thanks a bunch in advance








What program are you currently using? Whatever program you are on you can experiment with brushes and textures, to see if you can duplicate these images.

What program are you currently using? Whatever program you are on you can experiment with brushes and textures, to see if you can duplicate these images.

I think you misunderstood me.
I currently don't use any particular software. I just need to know what is this effect and how it is applied to images then I should should a software to apply the effect.
did you check the link of images? did you figure out what I meant?

If you wont to know for sure, you need to research the people and the company that are involved. The short has won awards so you are sure to find articles covering the films production.

Aside from leg work, my best guess is that a pencil effect was used.