Hi its me jak6jak and I've been on this site for some time now and I finally got the nerve to introduce myself in case you don't know from looking at the thread title I am a rookie animator at the moment. since my animations look like the trash in Disney studios's dumpsters, but I will
Get better (hopefully) and that's the main reason I joined this site.
Here's a some random things about me:
Things I'm thankful for:
A skip button in Pandora
Copy and paste
Favorite food: shrimp
What I would wish for if I had three wishes:
A computer that did what you wanted,
To create an animation that doesn't look like poop
And 15 more wishes
favorite YouTube channel:
Mine of course!!
Favorite day of the week:
If I was an animal what animal would I be?:
A monkey
Favorite word:
Thanks for reading! :)
-A ninja animator