Orchestral music composer for animation

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Orchestral music composer for animation


I'm a young orchestral music composer.
I think that my skills could interest some of you...
("Ideal" to bring a "cinematic" dimension to your animations...)

Have a look (hear ) on my portfolio and give me your opinion about my works...
And if you're interested in working with me, just contact me.

Hoping for meetings and future collaborations.

vinz.muz's picture
...Let's Groove! Orchestral composition portfolio : www.sound-pix.com

...Let's Groove!
Orchestral composition portfolio : www.sound-pix.com


There's a long time I haven't posted something...
So, here's a sand animation project on which I've done the music...
My audio-post- production (http://www.audioplumstudio.com) team worked on sound-design,recording, mix, master...

Synopsis :
Two persons meet in a restaurant. Then, a game of poetic seduction Starts.
By Clémence Bouchereau.


I hope, you'll like it.


...Let's Groove!
Orchestral composition portfolio : www.sound-pix.com

very beautiful music .nice work .:p

Happy life can't apply colours to a drawing of the render farm !

Thanks a lot,

I really spent a pleasant moment composing recording... this soundtrack.
I love those kind of poetic project, a slightly beyond time.

Thanks again:)

...Let's Groove!
Orchestral composition portfolio : www.sound-pix.com

Thanks a lot,

I really spent a pleasant moment composing recording... this soundtrack.
I love those kind of poetic project, a slightly beyond time.

Thanks again:)

in fact ,any the work behind have of his own a happiness.that is a joy of success.keep it up ...hope can see more your excellent works .

Happy life can't apply colours to a drawing of the render farm !

I totally agree with you ...
I hope, too, there will be a lot of other (similar) projects in the future...
Once again, thanks.


...Let's Groove!
Orchestral composition portfolio : www.sound-pix.com

Thanks! I had a listen. I don't know if you're interested in any feedback?

Some nice stuff there - good arrangement. You could do with some more attack/fade especially in the strings and horns. It still has that sampled feel. It needs some more variation.

give me your opinion about my works...

So, thanks for your feedbacks.

You're right :

It still has that sampled feel

Actually those tracks are just mock-ups, in order to give an idea...
(It would be so different and simple with a real orchestra!:rolleyes:)
But i'm still trying to reach the more realistic "sound" with those virtual tools!

It needs some more variations

What do you mean?
You want to say that i could :

Propose more variations on every composition?
Propose more various works?
May be both?

If you have more detailed feedsbacks, you're welcome...


What do you think about my portfolio presentation?
I was wondering if it wasn't too cold? too faceless?

...Let's Groove!
Orchestral composition portfolio : www.sound-pix.com

By variation I mean having individual instruments in say, a violin grouping start/finish at very slightly different times, introduce some bow-scrapes, some breath noises to the woodwind and choir, all the little noises that occur with a real orchestra.

Digitally generated music starts off sounding clinically perfect - the real work is introducing all those imperfections and nuances that come with recording live.

I think you'e doing a great job, keep it up!

I totally agree with you : "Imperfections create reality."

Untill today, i thought i just had to show my skills in composition/arrangement/orchestration, since (my) this kind of works are made to be recorded by musicians...

So, you think it could be interesting to introduce those elements...even for mock-ups?
I'm going to try it on next works...

individual instruments

I've already tried it, but i didn't find yet the way to make sampled instruments (especially instrument with great expression possibilities/like strings) convincing in "solo", :confused:. So, i prefer, for the moment, avoid it (in mock-ups)...

I think you'e doing a great job, keep it up!

Thanks a lot...:)

...Let's Groove!
Orchestral composition portfolio : www.sound-pix.com