Rough cuts on the sour easy

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Rough cuts on the sour easy

[FONT=Arial Black]Rough cuts on the sour easy is a animated musical comedy that was written, animated, music, and voiced single handily by me. The double feature details two different mishaps in separate living quarters. The short was constructed with illustrator, flash, and after effects. Please give it a watch and leave some feed back. [/FONT]

Is there something specific you wont from comments?
Is this a school project or is this something you plan to tour with?

This is a very interesting style you have.

Any thoughts to be honest. If there was a transition that you felt could have been done differently. Feelings towards the character design. If it was difficult to follow. I am branding an animation studio and doing all the shorts on my terms, but not drifting too far away from being unwatchable material. So the shorts will be very experimental, but with presentable structures.