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Furry: A Career Killer?

A friend and I were laughing at some of the odd comments under her anthropomorphic art in her online gallery. Some funny, some downright mean.
We came to the conclusion at least one of three things is inevitable if you have anthro art online:

1.You will get furry fans.
2.You will get accused of being a furry.
3.You will get a commission from a furry.

Despite my ironic username, i'm not actually a furry, but I wondered if an artist who has ambitions of working professionally would jepordize their career if they did freelance work for furries, even if it were clean. Personally, I feel if you're freelancing, you don't have the luxury of being picky, and if it's clean and not "excessive" (i.e. a portfolio with only animal art), I would'nt think it would be an issue, but you never know. I've heard famous figures in the animation industry have been guests at their conventions. I know "furry" is troll-bait, but I honestly want to get some opinions of those who know the nature of the industry.

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Personally I do not see how it would matter. You could always leave you name off your work if you thing it might hurt you.

Ken Davis's picture
Submitted by Ken Davis on

Why should it be a career-killer??

Its not like child-porn or racist art, its just one of many other subject matters.
Anthropomorphic art is a long-running genre, and depictions of it are not exclusive to "Furry" afficianados.

There's far worse stuff out there, and very little of that could affect your career in a negative way.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

b'ini's picture
Submitted by b'ini on

Well, that was a strange trip down the ol' google rabbit hole. [pun intended]
... I had no idea ...

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Well, that was a strange trip down the ol' google rabbit hole. [pun intended]
... I had no idea ...

You really never heard of Furies?

Animated Ape's picture

If your "friend" is worried about furry art killing her carrer, which it shouldn't if it's clean, she can always do her furry art under a nom de plume. Actually a furry nom de plume might even help her sell more art. But you should be fine. I mean your friend ;)

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

b'ini's picture
Submitted by b'ini on

[LOL - good one, ape]

"Furies" - yes, I heard of furies in high school doing Greek Tragedy.

And, thanks to Google, another high school flashback - One of the gangs in "The Warriors"

But "Furries" - nope, never. news to me.

garythegriffin's picture

Thanks for the advice. I mean, my "friend" thanks you.;)
b'ini, the bottom photo will haunt my nightmares for some time :eek:

wontobe's picture
Submitted by wontobe on

Thanks for the advice. I mean, my "friend" thanks you.;)
b'ini, the bottom photo will haunt my nightmares for some time :eek:

True that.:D