TSNStudios Launches a New Site with a New Vision

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TSNStudios Launches a New Site with a New Vision

For immediate release:

TSNStudios has launched a new website with a new vision. www.tsns.com TSNS is giving registered members of the site access to free 3D files created by the studio's proprietary demolition technology called "Extreme Loading".

VFX professionals are invited to download the 3D demolition scenes, dress them up, and send them back to TSNS - demonstrating the ability of the artist. In addition, TSNS is accepting resumes and reels for people interested in partnering with them, to provide VFX services to the entertainment and media industry; effectively giving VFX professionals access to a new network of project possibilities in a turbulent market.

TSNS is also looking for experienced sales professionals who will be paid a commission for work they bring to TSNS and its partners.

Visit the website for more details!


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