If anyone has an older, inexpensive, used animation disc for sale, 12 and/or 16f, I would appreciate hearing from you. This is for a beginner (me).
It doesn't have to be in pristine condition, just workable. I'm open on brands: oxberry, acme, etc., though of course I'd prefer one with acme pegs.
Thanks much!
Dan Guenzel
I have a 12-f Oxberry disc. It has two panning peg bars, and I've made a custom non-panning peg bar with ACME pegs. I also made a kind of a table-top desk for it, with the circle cut out and a light attached to the back, but this is heavy and would cost a lot to ship.
I paid $400 for the disc and used it about twice, so I'm asking $300 but I'll try and beat any price you find for a comparable disc. Please email me and I'll send pics. yotamzohar@gmail.com