"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
Just learning about details of this today:
Last week, the cartooning world lost comic artist Mike Weiringo, and just today I learned info about another loss, also last week.
Forum members in the Vancouver, BC area have doubtlessly heard the news about a police shooting in the Granville and 15th ave. area--a "disturbed" fellow was approached, attacked some police and was shot to death by them.
Turns out I know the guy.
And he was a fellow cartoonist.
I'm having a devil of the time right now trying to match a name to a face--but I'm told by colleagues I HAVE met and worked alongside Paul Boyd--the fellow who was killed.
This goes back at least 10 years, now--Paul was teaching at Vancouver Film School just before I started my second and longest run teaching there. He was teaching class 17, I started again with class 18--so I would have rubbed elbows will Paul.
He was also an animation supervisor on "Aaaaaaagh, Its the Mr. Hell Show!" which I also worked on.
He was also a long-timer with International Rocketship.
Getting emails from colleagues now and getting details filled in, but this just saddens and sickens me.
I'm not going to question the police actions right now, nor am I going to speculate on Paul's state of mind--simply because I don't have anything near any kind of mental picture of all this.
Buts its affecting me just the same.
The guy was 39, I'm 45--Ringo was 44.......its too young to die at those ages. Life is too short and..........getting real serious..............alot of sh*t just doesn't matter when it comes down to it.
Reality will always step up to bite us hard when we least expect it, but living glum and sombre in response to that isn't any kind of life.
I see stories like this.........feel for those losses ( some closer than others) and I'm reminded of my own place in the scheme of things.
I can say I'm glad I've had chances to make amends, heal old rifts and make new friends out of "old foes"--because at the end of the day the life I'm living......or that anyone is living, can be gone in a blink.
I see these kinds of things and it reminds me that the things that are near and dearer to me are MORE important than dealing with the heartless enterprises of the day, deadlines and goings-on that really don't give a hoot if I'm happy or not.
I think about people like Paul and Ringo and I know that, on my own deathbed, I'm going to think back more on the people I made smile, on the things I enjoyed fully and the joy I've shared.
Life is just too damn short.
I am not sure hugging someone can save their life, but it can make you feel better about yourself, and it is something you need to do for those that matter to you.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Amen Bro, couldn't agree with you more.
Ken's post reminds me of a phone call I got from a friend recently. His family was in a car accident while he was at work. Fortunately, they weren't seriously injured, but it got him thinking about his hobby, riding his Harley. He decided to sell his bike after the accident because, he realized, if it had been him who was hit rather than his wife and three young kids in their minivan, the phone call his wife would receive would have been a lot different than the one he received.
For me, what I do is always secondary to why I do it, and that's to support my family. I've taken a route a lot of animators might not consider glamorous or high-end, but it's kept me consistently employed and providing for my family for close to two decades. That's far more important to me than having my name scroll up a screen in a cineplex after everyone's left.
And yes, life is far too short. Hug your loved ones, and make sure those you care about know it...
...it's way too short.
Hug someone and make 'em smile.
Then hug 'em again.
SPLAT digital
And remember that you can save someone's life and change a world just by doing that.
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
I don't know what to say...but thank you for sharing and your wise words, it is much appreciated.
in the big scheme of things, i often find myself sat in my office chair spending hours and hours animating and i cant help but suspect its all just a big fat waste of everyones time
considering there is no god....no heaven....nothing....once we die that is it....do i really want to spend most of my life sat in a chair?...you only get one chance at it(life)....so make it a goo'un
the earth is enormous....and most of it beautiful.....i could be out there exploring....me my wife and kids just cruising around having fun
so its sorted.......thats what im going to do......just need to get some spending cash together.......now....hmm.....i want to earn money for this endevour.....whats the quickest and most enjoyable way to earn money.....
back to the chair
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God...or just luck?
Well....I think we all have heard that it´s all about doing the right choices in the right moments, enjoy the good an simple things in life, not get involved in weird businesses.......but in the end.....sometimes I think that all comes down to random luck....or lack of it....
Do what you love
Ken I know how you are feeling
Two weeks ago a dear friend in Ireland passed away. Ray Moran was a wonderful man, father and husband- he will be sorely missed. He wasn't an animator - he was an account. I not totally sure on this but I get the feeling he was not really happy with his job. He was a year younger than me. Our kids grew up with their kids.
I guess this forum thread has given me the opportunity to share.
I believe there is a God and that the qualities we reflect are NEVER gone...In Ray's case, that gives me solice.
We taught our kids do what you love. If you are not happy with your job you are doing someone elses job.
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I've moved a bunch of the posts to the thread "Life's side track." http://forums.awn.com/showthread.php?t=10553
I didn't feel they were befitting the memory of the artists, friends and co-workers that have been lost recently.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
my deepest apologies to anyone who is offended
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