Hi I just finnished my 2nd year in Digital Art & Computer Animation and the summer break has just rolled in. Im wondering if there are any other students on the forum and would like to know what they do (animation wise) over the long break.
Should I bother trying to find an animation roll over the summer or just practice at home. I want to learn more about 3d modeling, Im okayish at modeling in lightwave but need to learn about animating. Also want to learn flash too.
Would love to hear from professionals to find out what they did when they studied animation.
Any information, be it about career advice or practice techniques would be great, any thouhts at all would be a great help as I have no clue about practically anything lol.
p.s heres a link to my show and tell thread
great forum guys
I look forward to seeing what you youngsters are doing with your summer. Hopefully you are having some fun and meeting some new people and maybe learning some new skills. Romance is always an option during the summer.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Hi Steve, welcome to the AWN Forums.
I'd say just enjoy your summer vacation. Go to the beach, hang out with friends, watch some movies, go to parties, what ever. Have fun. Do some drawing too. Maybe go to the zoo and sketch the animals and people. Maybe pick up a book on modeling and do a few of the tutorials.
You have at least two more years of animation school, then a life time of working in animation. Take some time to relax and enjoy life while you have the time.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Steve, my advice is this:
Learning software is something you can pick up in the classroom. I'd spend my off-time in the summer working on making my art as appealing and professional as possible, because without that all the software in the world is just so much junk.
If your work is solid and appealing come the school year, the techniques you'll learn will be applied to that enhanced hand-skill---meaning you'll get more out of the stuff.
Like Ape said too, enjoy life as well. Education is a process, not a destination--enjoy the journey.
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)