I usually work with headphones over my ears, most of the time listening to pieces of my growing collection of original soundtracks. My favourites for work at the drawing board are the soundtracks to A Series of Unfortunate Events, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, Addams Family Values, Gremlins 2 and most of what Elfman and Williams wrote.
While working on my PC, I prefer audio books, usually works by Terry Pratchett or H. P. Lovecraft. (Lovecraft may have been an apathetic crackpot and a racist but you can't deny he knew good horror.)
Do you whistle while you work? What's in your CD player?
I set the ipod to shuffle! (usually)
Usually when i work i zone out what the music actually is. If i play something specific, like an album, i dont even realize where i am at in the album and then all of a sudden i sit back from my work and say "hey, the music is off."
"who wouldn't want to make stuff for me? I'm awesome." -Bloo
I don't so much listen to music I've noticed as just have it on as controlled noise. Here at school, it gets quite noisy in the shared studio spaces, that it gets rather distracting. Plug your ipod into something you've heard a million times and I feel more concentrated considering I have control over how much I put in my ears.
People think this is a sign of being a control freak. Perhaps it is.
Depends on what I'm working on. If I'm doing texture painting or compositing, I'll have something on. If I'm animating, it's gotta be quiet. Wasn't always the case; I used to have music on, but I tried unplugging as Williams suggested and my work improved. After that, it was a no-brainer.
I follow Milt Kahl's "advice" as relayed through Richard Williams.
My workspace is silent.
No music for me either. Although I still work with my earphones on. It helps to keep the noise out and to ignore people you don't want to talk to. :P
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
If i'm inbetweening something, i'll have some music playing. Keying, however, needs silence I think.
If I'm synching something up to a track (dancing or lipsyncing or whatever), i'll play that a couple of times and play the action in my head a few times. I love Flash for the ability to scrub through the sound. I'll do that over and over and get a feel for what's happening, and then key.
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I perfer working in silence but my workstation is actually a corner of the dining room and I've got a family, so it's rare I get peace and quiet. I use noise cancelling head phones and listen to soundtracks and "old" '70s music that I know backwards and forwards. Just background stuff. I listen to the same music over and over again because I never really "listen" to it. A lot of times the music has stopped and I haven't even realized it.
As a side note, both my son and I have ADD and controlled background music/sound helps us concentrate. When I concentrate, I rarely hear anything. I never hear if I'm being paged in the office, or people walking up behind me, or someone trying to get my attention.
When my son started doing his homework with headphones on, I was so against it, but then I noticed I stopped having to saying "pay attention" or "focus on what your doing". So I gave it a shot and it works! And then once I'm engaged, it doesn't matter if the music is on or not.
I admit it I am TV-holic, there's always tv noise in the background. I am usually working with a musical soundtrack that by the time I get finished I know the words better than the original artist.
Not that I watch the tv that often but it has to be on, just part of who I am I guess. Doesn't seem to interfere with the soundtrack most of the time.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Well, well, that tenor is a bit surprising. I love to really ruff out keys, meaning if I can get a little swing while doing it the keys will turn out better and more dynamic. In-betweening is more of a quiet, zen-like exercise to me. We were drilled to work very accurately and I find myself holding my breath quite often to make lines turn out steady and even.
If I wont to get anything done, then the noise has to be off. I use TV or music to prime the brain pump but if the inspiration is to make it to paper then the only noise I need is in my head. :)
Music to me can be very inspirational and sometimes make you think beyond what you usually would, so if I want a particular scene planned, I may look for a suiting song or piece to see if any ideas can come from that.
As far as animating with music on, i'd say for keyframes and important poses, i tune down the choons, as i think full concentration is needed. After i've figured them out to an acceptable level, i'd probably crank up some volume and get busy on the nitty-gritty stuff like inbetweening. Although sometimes, like with story/scene ideas i may look for music to get me in the mood, to get the chracter's pose angrier or happier etc. It's all relative baby!
________________________________Perpetual Motion________________________________
In-betweening by hand, I agree. However, in-betweening in Flash is a little different. Most times, you're in-betweening symbols... I don't find myself holding my breath while i'm doing that. :)
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I cannot work in silence. I usually have either a podcast going or a movie. Sometimes, albeit rarely, I'll listen to movie scores (John Williams mostly).
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thanks for info
thanks for info
I can tell you how you can
I can tell you how you can find cool stuff to listen to now without too much trouble, like radio too. I've already found a way to listen to it, I bought a special speaker, for example here https://treblab.com/blogs/news/bluetooth-speakers-with-radio for a detailed description of such speakers. I hope I was able to help you and it was also the most useful for you, because they can essentially be connected via bluetooth and listen to the radio. Good luck.
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