Hey, I'm an animator without a job, and I really need some help figuring out where to spend my efforts in order to improve my demo reel and portfolio. My online address is http://www.inneryoung.com
Any critique or advice would be mighty helpful!
Looking for some feedback
By inneryoung | Saturday, January 13, 2007 at 4:34pm
Looking for some feedback
Maybe something like this would be a better showcase for your material.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Yeah, I was never taught anything about making a website, so I kinda learned on my own, and I'm not what you'd call a computer whiz. Most of the things you've listed I'm not sure I know how to do, but I suppose it is something I should try to learn how to do better... and thanks for the babe comment on Moonie there, she's flattered.
wow... you put together a new homepage fast... and it's way better... did you put in together in dreamweaver, cause that's all I really know how to use right now
Yeah I use Dreamweaver. I am working on your character page right now. I can send you all the files in a zip if you would like.
I noticed you like blue, so I changed the red to blue for you.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
I've been working on fixing it a little last night, does it look better?
It's better but still not much structure there. Check out my link above, and download or save the html pages there. Feel free to take them and modify them any way you would like. I know we all have our own tastes, so you may want to change the picture of Moonie at the top or the colors. You can basically use the comics4.htm as a template for creating new pages.
Also if you want to cut down on the amount of spam you receive never list your email outright like you are now. Incorporate a mailto button or contact button and make folks use that to contact you.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
You have some good work there, but your presentation of it on the net is terrible.
It's like putting together a hard portfolio, if you don't do it right most people aren't going to bother to look at it.
Your home page says nothing about the fact that you are a graphic artist. You have to pull them in from the first glimpse of your first page.
Black backgrounds for a portfolio are hard to pull off. I know I made that mistake in the beginning too. Your character page is the best of your pages, but who's ever going to find it?
I'd like to see some of that work on your openning page. Not all of it just a glimpse. You need to learn to title your html pages so the title of the page shows in the browser...so people don't see "untitled" all over the place. You need to have a uniform navigation for all pages so people know they are still on your site, they don't have to hit the back button or scroll to the bottom to go back to the home page.
Gifs are fine but not for presenting motion or animation clips to the professional market. You need to convert those to avi or mov format. And the swfs that you present you need to learn how to embed those into html and add preloaders so that people have something to look at while they download.
If you need help let me know perhaps I can find some time to do a mockup for you.
You could use this babe as your site mascot:
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.