Searching executive producer

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Searching executive producer

Hello, in 3danima we are searching executive producer, in order that it bandages our works in USA.
Been interested in writing to:

I'll let the regulars correct me if I'm wrong, but this strikes me as a forum for animators, not a place where suits hang out.

What are you doing that is worth funding? Everyone wants "free money", as it were. Do you have a proper "give me money" package? All I see is a link to your web site. Even if I had tons of money to throw at fantastic projects do you really expect me to click through your website for your project details? (I found no information for investors.)


I feel badly understood, can erase post.

3Danima, no podemos entenderte porque estas usando verbos incorrectos, el verbo "to bandage" no tiene sentido asi.

dime en espanol y puedo traducirlo pa las personas aca.

Lo que queria decir es que siento mucho el malentendido, y si procede que borren el Post.Muchas gracias y perdonar mi ingles ,es muy malo.
Un saludo.

well this thread is old now, but i will translate as i promised. 3d anima says:

"What i wanted to say is that i apologize for any misunderstandings, and that i hope someone can delete this thread. thank you and i apologize about my english, its pretty bad."

3danima, a proposito, me fui a ver tu demoreel y me gusto. tienes una empresita con empleados o trabajas solo? yo no se nada de animacion, pero quizas debes hacer un "short film", un como se dice en espanol,un "corto". Asi puedes encontrar mas facilmente clientes.

Gracias por tu traducció,te he enviado un email.