The New....well its literally something 'NEW'......

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The New....well its literally something 'NEW'......

In this world that is constantly developing for the better, the movie production's have never grew bigger.Such as Holllywood,Bollywood and even Hong Kong movies(dunno whats its called?).Now even CG animated movies are becoming a hit......As new movies come, hoping to be THE movie of the month or even THE YEAR......Actually what makes a movie forever remembered in actually movies that are made with the heart and not only with the brains.....but most of all is the movies that takes RISKS.......that makes movies about something NEW.....New worlds,New characters,New storys....always made with the imagination .... Something not seen or heard by people, something not known even though exciting and thrilling.....Those are the movies that should be aimed when making a movie....even if the movie might be the same ol' something then make something new to make it interesting....BUT do not make it out of topic or too much into it.....that things only a good director/writer can know.....Thats why I respect the japanese alot, I mean sometimes they can figure out CRAP......and I mean yo-yo,fishing with superpowers and all that...REALLY....BUT still they tend to get new and new ideas constantly and look NOW....Anime is a great hit, a multibillion dolar production with many fans around the world.....EVEN NOW the Western is looking towards Anime and working with it to produce cartoons like Avatar:The Last Airbender......One thing I like about the cartoon is that its something New made with pure imagination fueled with knowledge on how things work as a balance in the real world.....Really, Thats COOL.....BUT they must know that its not THE Anime that make a great cartoon, its just that if that they just spend some time on imagining instead if just thinking.....masterpieces will come......Same thing goes for the movies.....movies like Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings are famous not just because of the books but it allows people to imagine and see how THIS new worlds work and adapt.....

CG animation has just started with just this and Now its becoming increasingly more popular...... One things i liked about it is that There are no limits if you are working with your can just show the world on things far beyond the reach of any other human imagination cause its YOURS......Your Idea,Your Work, YOUR WORLD.......Masterpieces will come, just remember to works with your heart just as well with your brains.....

{To all those who wish to be an individual with their own masterpiece, just as I do....}

gamecon90's picture
Imagination is much more important then knowledge...

Imagination is much more important then knowledge...


You've taken 500 words to say "originality is good," as if there are people in the creative arts who don't know this yet.

And have a little consideration for the reader. If you must create threads to state the obvious, please take the time to word your thoughts clearly and economically. Slogging through someone's rambling stream of consciousness is no treat.

I think your enthusiasm is refreshing Gamecon. Good luck with your projects.

Anime has really been around since the seventies. It's not all that new.

But telling a story from the heart will always be new, because everyone has their own viewpoint.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Anime has really been around since the seventies. It's not all that new.

1950's for anime late 40's for manga.

You are right.......

:D You are right, Ken..........This thread was pratically useless.........I demand this thread to be officially closed.................

what i wrote dosent seem to be understood.......In fact i myself cant even understand what im writting......maybe thats y it took 3 days to write...... what a waste...:D

Oh well........

Imagination is much more important then knowledge...

And have a little consideration for the reader.

And that includes liberal use of the "enter" key. I'm less inclined to do the slogging when met with a large, grey brick of text.

If you can't be economical as Harvey suggests, at least make it easier to read.

Guess it matters where you put your paragraph breaks Gamecon. Keep the faith.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

If you want people to invest their time in reading what you have to say, yeah; it does.


Well..... do you know how many people do not actually know this......How many do you see that is new and a world that has billions of people, why is there so little......We all have talent, and look i see not one who is new here that replied and said YES this is correct and YES thisis what I wnat to do.......

Imagination is much more important then knowledge...


Could that be because no one (besides Harvey and Phacker) read what you have to say? I didn't, for the reasons I mentioned before.

Because most of the new folks here at AWN and a lot of the old timers are only interested in finding a paying gig Gamecon.

They only want the details on how to achieve that end, not necessarily interested in what motivates the creatives that create to create. And people like DSB can only handle 3 sentence length paragraphs. It's a world of sound bites, so one has to mete out one's wisdom in short spurts.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Phacker, I don't know what I've done to annoy you, but that's the third or fourth swipe you've taken at me recently. Either tell me what's bugging you or back off. I'm tired of your passive-aggressive nonsense.

As to everything else you said, it's all a load of manure and not worth commenting on.

I was only advising Gamecon to revise his post to include paragraph breaks, not making any sort of personal slam.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

That wasn't a slam like a Monster Thickburger is diet food.

To be technical, I think paragraphs have less to do with effort and laziness and even length and more to do with organization of thought. If someone doesn't care about their idea enough to provide structure to it, when they're the -creator-, why should anyone else care about taking it in?

CG animation has just started with just this and Now its becoming increasingly more popular...... One things i liked about it is that There are no limits if you are working with your can just show the world on things far beyond the reach of any other human imagination cause its YOURS......Your Idea,Your Work, YOUR WORLD.......Masterpieces will come, just remember to works with your heart just as well with your brains.....

I find it strange that most of the posts in this thread deal with the construction of a teenager's flow of thought and give no credence to the importance that he even felt a concept like this important.

What he has to say mirrors a lot of the great concepts espoused by people like Joseph Campbell, who felt the artist's greatest role was to share their life experience in a meaningful way with the rest of the world.

I commend Gamecon again for feeling strongly on this issue. Perhaps his construction was flawed, but he felt compelled to share with the rest of the board. He'll probably think twice before he does it again in the future.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

I find it strange that most of the posts in this thread deal with the construction of a teenager's flow of thought and give no credence to the importance that he even felt a concept like this important.

What he has to say mirrors a lot of the great concepts espoused by people like Joseph Campbell...

Part of communication is making your thoughts accessible. No one would know anything of Campbell's theories if they were as haphazardly communicated as gamecon's original post, because no one would have slogged through them.

I can't comment on the content of gamecon's post, because I haven't read it. I'm just not going to invest my time in trying to decipher a message that is presented the way that one is.

It may not be obvious to you, but some of us here are trying to help gamecon by giving him some pointers on how to present his ideas. If he can slow down, organize his thoughts, and present them in an accesible structure, then he has a much greater chance of having an impact. No one is faulting him for expressing his thoughts; only offering suggestions on how to make those thoughts more readable. I'm sorry that you find that to be a glass half empty situation.

Part of communication is making your thoughts accessible. No one would know anything of Campbell's theories if they were as haphazardly communicated as gamecon's original post, because no one would have slogged through them.

I can't comment on the content of gamecon's post, because I haven't read it. I'm just not going to invest my time in trying to decipher a message that is presented the way that one is.

It may not be obvious to you, but some of us here are trying to help gamecon by giving him some pointers on how to present his ideas. If he can slow down, organize his thoughts, and present them in an accesible structure, then he has a much greater chance of having an impact. No one is faulting him for expressing his thoughts; only offering suggestions on how to make those thoughts more readable. I'm sorry that you find that to be a glass half empty situation.

I find it hard to justify how one can offer criticisms on something one hasn't bothered to read. Would it not be better to not reply at all if one does not wish to read a post.

Criticism of Campbell includes:

Most contemporary critics find his work to be difficult, with very poor indexing. He did not write the indices for his books and they suffer, as they are not easily searched.

But I would hazard a guess that critics first read his work before critiquing it.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

I find it hard to justify how one can offer criticisms on something one hasn't bothered to read.

Sigh. Again, let me refresh your memory:

I can't comment on the content of gamecon's post, because I haven't read it.

I haven't offered any criticism on the content of gamecon's post - only its presentation. And that I can offer without having read it.

Would it not be better to not reply at all if one does not wish to read a post.

Again, a refresher:

It may not be obvious to you, but some of us here are trying to help gamecon by giving him some pointers on how to present his ideas.

Does that sound like someone who isn't interested in reading what gamecon (or anyone) has to say? On the contrary, I'm trying to suggest ways to make the post more compelling. And you have a problem with that?

But I would hazard a guess that critics first read his work before critiquing it.

Refer to my first refresher.

This whole process could be shortened if you'd actually read what I said before going off on your rants. This apparent intentional belligerence is really wearing thin.

If someone doesn't want to bother to read Gamecon's first post, I have the CliffsNotes here:

Gamecon says that originality is good.

There's no question in there, just some clumsy cliches about originality, repeated over and over, seemingly from someone who only recently discovered the concept, too recent to know that there's a term for it.

We learn that "what makes a movie GREAT" is being "made with the heart and not only with the brains." We discover that "those are the movies that should be aimed when making a movie." We find that the Japanese "can figure out CRAP ... like yo-yo,fishing with superpowers and all that." Finally, Gamecon exposes the fact that "its just that if that they just spend some time on imagining instead if just thinking."


Uhhhhhuuhhhhh......this place is turning out to be quite a war zone......and DSB, I think phacker is more understanding to this subject,plus me, compared to you and Harvey Im starting to think that you refuse to understand what im talking about........I KNOW, that in short its 'Originality is good'......I was just ELABORATING the subject if thats anything wrong......C'mon everybody knows that its true,'originality is good' but nowadays im seeing less and less in the movies, horror movies are the only thing thats rising.....HOW could there be sooo LITTLE who actually takes this subject SERIOUSLY.....

Imagination is much more important then knowledge...

Oh Jeez....

Please explain to me how offering you suggestions on how to get your point across more effectively constitutes a "war zone." The only thing I don't "understand" is how you and Phacker can view an attempt to give constructive criticism as a bad thing.

If the core of your original message is "originality is good", as Harvey said, then I completely agree, and have felt so throughout the course of my 18+ years in this field. How you came to the conclusion that you understand this better than me when I've never said a word about your original message is beyond me.

Look, no one's forcing you to pay any attention to advice that I or anyone else provides. From the format of your latest message, it looks like you've decided to completely ignore the pointers I gave you. That's your call, but don't be surprised if your readership suffers because of it.

Sigh. Again, let me refresh your memory:

I haven't offered any criticism on the content of gamecon's post - only its presentation. And that I can offer without having read it.

Again, a refresher:

Does that sound like someone who isn't interested in reading what gamecon (or anyone) has to say? On the contrary, I'm trying to suggest ways to make the post more compelling. And you have a problem with that?

Refer to my first refresher.

This whole process could be shortened if you'd actually read what I said before going off on your rants. This apparent intentional belligerence is really wearing thin.

So if I follow your logic one can offer a criticism of a post strictly on visual presentation without reference to content? I think there should also be a little more understanding on a global board like AWN that English may not be Gamecon's first language.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

So if I follow your logic one can offer a criticism of a post strictly on visual presentation without reference to content?

If the critique is on presentation and not content - as mine was - then yes.

I think there should also be a little more understanding on a global board like AWN that English may not be Gamecon's first language.

Sure, but whatever Gamecon's primary language is, it certainly includes the concept of paragraphs. He's also pretty fluent in English. However he learned it, that education must have covered things like sentence structure and paragraphs. Hell, I'd be happy if he'd just hit the enter key every so often, regardless of whether or not it indicates the end of a thought.

At this point it's obvious you're intentionally ignoring my point. Continue if you must, but be aware of how it makes you look to others on the board.

I like gamecon90, his pure excitement and enthusiasim is great to see, and I hope he holds on to that.

It was hard reading his posts. I think I have the same problem as he does in that I just start typing what I'm thinking.

I've read his post at least four or five times now, and I'm still not sure what he's getting at. I think it's just a statement that he'd like to see more originality and creativity go into movies and TV shows.

I do agree that a breaking your idea into paragraphs wouldn't hurt.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

Leave it to Animated Ape to ruin the fun by getting all levelheaded and sensible.;)

(Sorry, Gamecon, but ... )

This is just a pointless (and unoriginal) extension of Gamecon's imagination vs. knowledge thread, which he should have just resurrected instead of creating this mess.

My theory is that someone who holds up Avatar the Last Airbender as the pinnacle of originality, doesn't even understand the concept.
Gamecon seems to know that imagination is good but has none of his own, as he types the same concept over and over and over again, like a parody of the monotony he's lambasting. Believe it or not, this is all from the same post:

"Actually what makes a movie GREAT ... is actually movies that are made with the heart and not only with the brains"
"that makes movies about something NEW.....New worlds,New characters,New storys....always made with the imagination"
"make something new to make it interesting"
"BUT still they tend to get new and new ideas constantly and look NOW"
"One thing I like about the cartoon is that its something New made with pure imagination fueled with knowledge"
"its just that if that they just spend some time on imagining instead if just thinking"
"There are no limits if you are working with your can just show the world on things far beyond the reach of any other human imagination cause its YOURS"
"just remember to works with your heart just as well with your brains"

What do you want to bet he's repeated the same mantra, "heart/imagination, not just brains/knowledge," another few dozen times in the imagination vs. knowledge thread?

For a real thread on originality, see the following:

That said, I applaud Gamecon for creating another provocative thread, even though the only provocation is the thread's ridiculousness. Thanks, Gamecon. :D

Not Bad,Harvey.....

Not bad at all.....harvey {gamecon claps his hands, sarcastically}

You seem to think more when you read.....I'm impressed. As I said once in the Imagination vs Knowledge thread...."......I'm more interested on the animator itself.You see,everyone differs when it comes to thinking.....".Thats exactly what i wanted to hear from you....As also i said the Imagination vs Knowledge...."My post seems fairly easy but still requires alot of thinking." To tell you the truth, I didn't know that i've written that much about imagination..........

I agree with animated that I just wanted to see more originality from more people. So i was just elaborating the subject, which seem to be 'ridiculous' to you harvey....I want to see more and more people to create something different, thats all.....but i will reply......

First of all, as 'ridiculous' as the 'Imagination vs Knowledge' thread 'was'.......but it still is what 'animation is made out OFF.You don't expect me to send a post about 'animation' without having to impliment on this subject.....CAUSE IT IS WHAT 'ANIMATION' IS......'Imagination' and 'knowledge', together, thats what make 'animation' special......If you want to learn to create props and design, then you need 'knowledge' and if you want to create a story and character, then you need 'imagination'..... and TOGETHER, its 'animation'....

So,I don't understand, what you are trying to show here...really....You want me to not talk about imagination and knowledge.....then its not called animation....Its just called Harvey's thinking of animation.....World without neither/either imagination and/or knowledge.....Now THAT is ridiculous...

Animated is right, its not easy to write what you think....Its not what im trying to make you understand but what you understand from what you read......Harvey just thinks im going for and endless crusade for imagination cause i didn't agree with him on the Imagination vs Knowledge thread.....

Now, i want you to ask yourself WHAT is originality....Everyone....most of you will answer "something new, something different"..... Then when i ask HOW to obtain originality,most of you will answer "Its impossible" or "You are making no sense" or "I dunno????"........

Originality is exactly as stated....New and Different.....To get originality by mainly using your imagination fueled with knowledge as stated by me earlier,So you can't expect me to talk about originality without having this two....So let me just give you the in-depth look on this ummmm....'ridiculous' subject....

As weirdly as you put the mantra "heart/imagination, not just brains/knowledge," It is TRUE....cause as you put it "heart/imagination, NOT JUST brains/knowledge".......Cause THIS is what people is actually missing....imagination.......and if your concept of of originality a.k.a knowledge is put in only.......Then there will be no originality....cause knowledge is 'constant' can never mess with facts, no changes can be made to facts/knowledge....only imagination which is 'constant'ly changing/envolving.....which what make originality, 'Differences'...

In this world there there are two types, Harvey......people like you which is 75% of the world's population and people like me, which is like 25% of the world's population......Do you want to know the differences bout you and me, Harvey, which also show the differences between the 75% and the 25% .....You, are the people who thinks, think that what is there only is there....nothing else, you want proof,look at your last just send a post on what i just wrote,NOT what im trying to tell, all you did was just see the word 'imagination' and 'boom', Im supposed to have started a 'ridiculous provocactive thread'.......On the other side is people like me, people who understands that there as certain things that change/envolve and has 'meaning' , people who constantly try to give advice to people like you......

My theory is that a person should not boast around on things that they do not know just because of the years of experience they have, Avatar:The Last Airbender was unique in a way,just like all the others told on the thread that was suggested by you,but as far as i like about the thread, By the way, the thread does not show what is originality, just the masterpieces that originality has envolved into so far....I said i like Avatar because it contains originality, by that i mean It shows the balance of the world that we all see but not take credit......It shows that if there is a world , which is ruled by one with power then the can be its up and downs, It also shows the invisible bonds that connects us all like friendship and love, It shows that war can be hell....All this actually under the main thing is that, what we all have, we do not take it for granted...

I like it because It is one of those catoons that shows emotion and human characteristics....This is rare....especially in a cartoon...even movies....and can even be stated as 'originality'...

Now let me put it in short, Harvey. The reason i keep on repeating is because the imagination part IS what originality is,originality can never remain original without imagination......So you don't expect me to send a post about orginality without having to write more about imagination.....I put alot of the word 'New' because this is the end result of 'originality', something new, something different.....

You are saying I have no imagination because I write the same again and again.....You want me to do what then!!!!!????.....First write CRAP about originality, which has not even have any relatinship to the subject then in the end write "Oh Yeah, Imagination is very important in originality". It makes no SENSE. Maybe to you but not to me...... If i want to write about the important part of a certain subject, i'll make sure i'll write more about it....... Really the reasons of you being reluctant on the subject is as CRAP as what what you are trying to tell me to write......

Plus the reason i keep on 'lambasting' the same concept again and again is so that people like you can understand what im trying to say.....but it looks like its not enough to make YOU understand, Harvey......You are as blind as a bat when it comes to understanding something.....

I'm sorry if there is any mistake in the spelling, most of it is because of my keybaord which has some problems......So t took me 72hours/3days just to write this reply, Animated and DSB i took your advice (criticism from DSB) on the paragraphing, hope this is good enough, DSB im sorry if i sounded rude earlier, but i think that phacker does not like the idea of criticism on a teenage boy......

For Harvey: 72 hours, so don't think that i just took one glance on your post and went off replying.....I have already read your post many times, enough to remember it by heart......

Imagination is much more important then knowledge...

I have no effin' clue what this kid's gone on about here, really!

I'm guessing it something about how his vision of something supersedes ours because.........well, its his vision.
The more I read of gamecon90's stuff, the less he actually says.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Well, the paragraphs do help... The content's another story.

Next, Gamecon will be making a 90 minute address at Le Cordon Bleu to try to convince them that food should taste good.


Haha...well, if the food there actually tastes bad then i will....I mean, whats the use of opening a restaurant if the food does not taste good there......Glad to see you have nothing else to say, harvey.......I'm sorry if the reply is too long and gets off topic sometimes.....But everything i wrote is to disagree to harveys statements, about what im trying to do.In other words, eery sentence that harvey made, I replied wth a whole paragraph just to explain.....My replies tend to get abit long when im exicited.......:D

Sorry that i couldnt make you undertstand Ken, looks like i have to write a 1000 word reply especially for you......I'll get started now......:D

Imagination is much more important then knowledge...

Sorry that I couldnt make you undertstand Ken, looks like i have to write a 1000 word reply especially for you......I'll get started now......:D

Don't bother, I won't read it.
I haven't read more than a couple of paragraphs of your writing in this thread before I gave up--that's how badly its coming across.

If your message is so convoluted that someone cannot get the gist of it in a single paragraph then you've failed to communicate that message.
They only way I've even figured out WHAT this htread is about is in the responses to your posts--nothing else makes any sense.

Your lead post didn't really offer anything new or of real substance......and everything that you've written since in a attempt to support that.........well, how can you support your key idea(s) when all your supporting statments are as hollow and confusing?

All that writing of yours and all I've taken away is that you like anime, you like this show called Avatar: the last Airbender, and you smugly think your views are more perceptive than the average poster.......everything after that is a complete muddle.

My advice to back waaaaaaaaaaaaaay up, start over again and get your idea(s) into one or two paragraphs, no more.
If you need to cover more ground then that, make sure the added material supports the main idea.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Now, i want you to ask yourself WHAT is originality....Everyone....most of you will answer "something new, something different"..... Then when i ask HOW to obtain originality,most of you will answer "Its impossible" or "You are making no sense" or "I dunno????"........

funny stuff

Gamecon is channeling Homer Simpson.

in a world that has billions of people, why is there so little

Animation is expensive, so studios stick with formulas that they know the public is comfortable with.


Thanks guys.....soo sad no one else could at least give their commets on this but really.....originality actually comes from how each of us view something.....all of us have a different perspective in our own way....but one thing i hate is when somebody copies another movie and makes he movie worse.....what a waste.....

Imagination is much more important then knowledge...

id take entertaining over original...

id take entertaining over original...

Without origniality the same story and technique becomes boring over time, no matter how entertaining the original was at first.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

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