Creating my first personal website: recommendations?

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Creating my first personal website: recommendations?

I'm about to create my own website (for the first time) and would welcome recommendations on what software or web host I might want to consider using. I'd be using the site to promote myself as an animator, so would want to be able to upload demo materials.


I'm about to create my own website (for the first time) and would welcome recommendations on what software or web host I might want to consider using. I'd be using the site to promote myself as an animator, so would want to be able to upload demo materials.

Are you comfortable with coding (HTML, Javascript)? Or are you looking for something pretty WYSIWYG? Most people that I know that are just getting into web design start with DreamWeaver or Frontpage. I've used both in the past. For myself, I just use notepad, but then I keep my HTML very simple and do alot of cut and paste of code to get the layout that I want.

As far as web hosting, I've liked Brinkster so far. :)


"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. "

- Goethe
