Firstly let me congratulate everyone concerned on a fantastic forum. I will say it again cuz I am that impressed.. "Firstly let me congratulate everyone concerned on a fantastic forum"
K Now that I have gushed I do have a question. I have some dvd animations and wanted to look at them frame by frame.. Tex avery in this case but many others. Because of the mpeg2 compression a frame by frame viewing on a pc is not what you would get if you were looking at the filmstock on a viewer. There is a bunch of static frames then a movement then a couple of static fms etc
I guess it is not really possible but it would be cool if there was somewhere some frame by frame digitised animation that was a clone of the film reel.
It would be nice to see how it came from the lab and distributed.
If anyone knows maybe if there is any clips around in such I format I would welcome any info :)
BTW did I express my favourable opinion on this forum ?
Hi Trugmolly!
Depends on how frequntly the static frames pop up but are you sure it isn't because its animated on two's/three's??
I was looking at " The cat that hated people"
I counted. Yep it is on two and then free frames. Static for two and then on the third.
I guess it is not the mpeg compression then. I just assumed that it was.
We all know where 'assuming' things can lead to but I won't go there.
I will have to read up more on two's and threes and capturing in general.
I have just built a studio of sorts. Lightbox and pegbars etc. It works very well actualy. I was working on the idea of 12 fms per second doubled up in after effects to give 24 or time strecthed to 25 for dvd.
This is all very valuable info for me.
Of course it depends on the action in any given scene but two duplicate frames and then three seems a much more managable workflow.
Any reading material online that goes into this in more depth would be usefull
Thanks again
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Thanks for the link.
Enjoyable reading and informative :)