New short "How to make an animated Movie"

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New short "How to make an animated Movie"

Hi all,

me and my buddy just completed our latest short. It's an animation about animation, so I guess this is the perfect place to post it :)
It came out a little longer (and slower) than intented - oh well, hope you'll enjoy it anyways:
How to make an animated Movie

- sven

Wonderful, clever!
I think the whole thing is actually like 3 scenes, right? Almost one shot!
Would've been less if that wacky scene transition wasn't demonstrated!
That's a compliment when it's so easy to be over-indulgent with camera and transitions in CG.

Animators will get it but I'm sure it'll reinforce the average person's idea that it is just that easy:)

That was great :D
I can definantly relate to that.
James :cool:

Clearly all the clay cat needed was a good armiture, and some tiedowns.

Otherwise quite enjoyable.

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