The Great SWiSH Max 2006 Competition

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The Great SWiSH Max 2006 Competition

I'm new to these forums, so I thought I'd introduce myself here.
I'm Larry, and though I've been doing this awhile, I'm just a beginner.
Still, one goes with ones strengths. I like animation for the web.
Stuff built in Macromedia Flash, or SwishMax.
I'm a 46 year old highschool drop-out with GED in hand, and just finished my 2nd year at MATC. Currently enrolled in the Visual Communication/Computer Graphics A.A.S. Degree program.
Before I started school, I learned on my own, and developed a love for this stuff.
Been working with Swishmax for quite a few years now.

Anyway, I entered The Great SWiSH Max 2006 Competition

Actually, I entered the same animation 3 times...well... :rolleyes:
One of my classes was intro to 2d animation, and I was trying to enter the animation for that class as well as the contest. The only problem was that the dead lines were somewhat different, so my final project for class got a lot more work invested into it, than my official entry for the contest.
Alas, I didn't win but I can't help but be real pleased with the end result.

To save time, here is my final entry for the intro to 2d animation class.

FlawlessDog updated_animationFinal

Just thought I'd add that this is a 30 second, 198kb swf animation created in SwishMax.
Program information may be found at

Thanks again

Alas, my work pales in comparison to the other work being displayed around these parts.
My stuff is simply vector work.
Still fun to do.

Nothing wrong with your work Flawless, as far as it goes, but most of the folks here are into character animation. What you have is fine as far as it goes, but it doesn't tell a story it only rotates some 3d stuff, that's fine and good for web elements, but you need to tell us that's what you do, and don't be discouraged if most of the folks here think that's not worth commenting on. Most 3d programs can do that with a little programming.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Thank you phacker,
I'm not the least bit discouraged. I understand the type of work being turned out by the members in these forums. I've seen some of the work created by some of these members, and some of my fellow classmates in the animation program at school. Different tools for different apps. and all that.
My skills are in the web, and what bit of animation is possible there, without causing a download nightmare. Once the super-highspeeds are realized in the new version of the Internet, my work will truly be obsolete. Until then of course, I may yet have something important to contrubute to todays Internet.

Still, it's the skills of people, like the members here, and at cgTalk that inspire me.

Hey I still try to design for web delivery to the masses. Don't get me wrong. But I do like character work. Show me some stories that will get me excited. I have a hard time getting exited about 3d rotations and stuff, but I love to tell stories for the web.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.