Invitation to see musical animations

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Invitation to see musical animations

Hi, I have just found the forum and look forward to sharing.

I have started animating some paintings i did in january, here are the results, I welcome your feedback. enjoy

my animations

is there something wrong with my animations. everyone else gets replies, i just get views. It is just fine if you want to criticise my work and say you dont like it. But hey, let me have some feedback, pleeeeeez

It helps in getting reviews, if you are new to tell us a little about yourself and your projects first: like what format your work is in, what style you work in and file size.

Many folks don't like to spend time downloading files blindly.

Welcome to AWN. I am on dialup so I am still waiting to see your first file.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

For whatever reason, it usually takes way longer than a day before people start biting, for future reference.

I started the first two, but I'm afraid I couldn't finish them. I didn't see much happening in either of them. The first looked like a pipe with circles and the second, while a beautiful rendering, was just cycled over and over. I didn't care for the New Age music either. It simply wasn't my cup of tea.

On a more objective note, the files are huge and even with my fast cable connection took forever to start. Also putting the credits at the beginning of a short film tends to annoy viewers before you even start - stick with the production company (if any) and the title for a total of no more than 10 - 15 seconds.

Sorry to be blunt, but you did ask...


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my animations

where were you when the power of observation was dished out, obviously asleep. But thanks for your criticism.

For your information, none of the movies repeat, in one of the ones that you got too bored to download, there must have been at least 1500 individual clips. You do not appreciate the moment between moments, which is what my type of animation is all about. They are paintings set to music, that evolve before your very eyes into something much grander, slow and gentle on the eye so that you can appreciate the detail in the unique and original artwork. Animation with a difference to relax you, but obviously you do not appreciate a still mind.

You asked for opinions and then you flame me when I give one.

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i have not flamed you, please tell me where i have. i simply informed you about my type of animation.

where were you when the power of observation was dished out, obviously asleep.

That is a personal attack.

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i unreservedly apologise, but you did not give my movies much of a chance, and did slag them off

I only watched the first one, but lost interest after the one minute of credits at the start. That is a long time for so few credits. Then on top of it, when your name comes up, it starts to fade to black befor your entire name is up. The last visible part of your name I caught was "Kris Manal" and that was going frame by frame. I would think that you would want your name pretty prominately placed in the credits so people could see who did this peice. I mean the biggest credits was "May 2006." Also you are fading the titles to black to fast, most of the time the all the words are not on screen befor the next group is coming in.

I found the main animation very slow. It goes with the music, but it just wasn't my cup of tea either. You also have about two minutes of black at the end, which oddly enough I found more engrossing than the main animation because I was waiting for something to happen.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

No hard feelings. Perhaps I should have simply stated that they weren't my cup of tea and left the subjective comments at that. This site is very character animation oriented and, rightly or wrongly, I had expectations toward that end. Some of the difficulty is the size of the web output makes seeing the details difficult. Unfortunately the web isn't the best place to display artistic animation due to bandwidth limitations.

If you plan to submit these to film festivals, please take Animated Ape's and my comments about the opening credits to heart as screeners are very busy and want to get to the substance of a film.

So tell us how you made them and give a little background so that those more inclined toward artistic animations will be tempted to partake and comment.


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