cartoonchaos started a blog

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cartoonchaos started a blog

Hey everybody!

I started a blog.

I called it Tradigital Template. Its gonna be a personal / sketches / animation news kind of a thing. I saw some current animation blogs and I figured that I could do something similar.

Check it out! I might ask a few of you for interviews, and if you have a site you'd like to promote, post a link so i can post it there.:D


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Follow @chaostoon on Twitter!

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Blog update

Hey, updated the blog.

Tradigital Template is the temporary home of the historical site for The Classical Animation Society, the award winning animation club from SCAD.

Visit to read about how the club got started... with a few links including our own Larry Lauria's Our World film.


Follow @chaostoon on Twitter!

cool man welcome 2 da bloggin world! ill be sure to check urs out! i 2 am on blogspot, so check it out,

<div style="clear:both;"></div><div align="center"><embed allowScriptAccess="never" src="" width="467" height="108" type="video/quicktime" loop="true" autoplay="false"></embed><br /><em><span style="font-family:arial;font-size:85%;"></span></em></div>


Hey, thanks Don. I added you to my links! I should be adding some of my sketches as soon as I get a scanner that works!

Follow @chaostoon on Twitter!

Aaah, now I have a scanner that works. I started off with a sketch I did while I was bored at work, and some old studio character sketches I did. Enjoy! Feel free to leave feedback as I dig through my old sketchbooks.

Follow @chaostoon on Twitter!