Hello I'm new here and I have a big question that is killing me :confused: . I'm very undecised about what major I want to study .I do not have enough information about computer animation and digital media . Right now I'm studying at a community college that do not offer a major in computer animation , only offers graphic design specialization , and i don't think that this is the same thing that I want. Please I want to know everything about computer animation as a major , where is the best college to study ? I know that the best college is CalArts ,but is too expensive , do u know other good universities but not too expensive ? Do u know a good college university or school in florida or new york ?. My dream is to study computer animation in a good university I dont care if take me years to do it , but I want to work in disney or pixar :o .I also want to know if I finish study computer animation where I can work besides disney or pixar ?? because the probabilities to work in these companies are very low , so I would need a real job , where i could work ???? how about the salary? is good ?? im very concern about this because if the salary is bad i think I'm going to change my major for computer science or engieneering which I love too ;) :cool:
:D Yuna
For schools, check out AnimationMentor.com, the Academy of Art College, Ringling and SCAD. As for other studios than Disney and PIXAR. For feature films, there are Dreamworks, Sony Pictures Image Works, ILM, Blue Sky, Blur, Weta Digital, and Rhythm and Hues. There are also game companies that you can work at as well as smaller studios that do comercial work, or motion ride animation. There are a lot of opptions but it'll take a lot of hard work and time.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
As far as I've heard and seen, 'if you're getting into animation for the money, GET OUT!'. Animation isn't the kinda job you take to get rich/comfortable. I'd say stick with Computer Science or Engineering, you're probably less likely to have to move every 6 months to find employment. If you decide to stick with animation, good luck! :)