The production and distribution of Animation features ,motion pictures and related entertainment vehicle are among the fastest growing field. They are also characterized by very rapid growth and technological change.
I always wanted to do something new with the medium. The project aims to answer this:
1) Does virtual reality have a unique language?
2) How do we deal with additional sensory inputs such as smell and touch?
3) Can we formulate creative and artistic technique that will allow more expression and compelling experience in this media?
4) How do we deal with non-linearity and the freedom of choice inherent to visitor to such world?
5) Where does the concept of story fit?
6) How can we provide intense emotional experience that will be felt and remembered?
Thinking that the technological developments are likely to affect the demand for animation and digital effects dramatically. Key issues include:
1.Extended applications of digital techniques to Animation production
2. Investigation of other production areas including Directors and producers of original content, digital sound, digital editing and other digital postproduction
3.Movies and interactive games: convergence or divergence?
4 re-adjustment to new formats for filmed entertainment
5. Other developments likely to shape production
“ The ability to make the impossible possible is the best resource at mankind’s
disposal. Lets use it”
All it takes is a coherent voice to speak out ,That’s the voice of the critic. I've found that the best critics are ones who actually create animation themselves. They're the ones with the passion to look at animation as something more than a commercial product or specimen in a glass case in a museum.