Creating a Flip-Book effect?

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Creating a Flip-Book effect?

Hi everyone,

I am currently working on an animation which is on 12f animation paper, but I need to create the look of a flip-book. Does anyone know the best way I could achieve this. I have tried drawing on lower-grade animation paper and scanning in as grey scale so that on playback in Flash or Premiere I get a shadow effect from the scan.

If anyone can offer suggestions I would very much appreciate it.

Many thanks

Ghost Boy

I suggest you strobe the images... By this I mean... Put drawing one for two frames, then a blank one for 1 frame, then drawing 2 for 2 frames, then a blank for 1 frame, and so on and so on.... This will give a neat effect that might resemble flipping drawings (I think). I have never done this, but it seems like something that might work in my little brain.

"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon


Thanks for that suggestion. I will try it out and let you know how it goes, I may even upload it so that you can check it out.

ghostboy ;)

How do you mean? Do you want to be able to see the book itself, or your thumb flipping the pages? Why not shoot some video of a flipbook animation in action, and study it frame by frame.

Here is a collection of flipbooks, if you want some material to study.