Animation at UNI

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Animation at UNI

Is there a high demand for Animation at university in england? Any answers will be brilliant.

Are you asking if there are alot of people wanting to do it?

Animation its getting to be more popular as the years go by, to make things worse there are a lack of universitys with sufficient resources to run an animation course in the UK, thus meaning the universitys that do run the course are having to pack students in. hope this helps.


I'm at the solent university in the UK (used to be southampton institute). Im in 3rd year of an animation degree. The course started 1998 i think, so they are still developing it, buts its a good course. theres also a separate video games animation course for people you particularly wanna go into that. I know there are courses at Bournemouth, surrey bristol etc.

I think there are alot of people wanting to do it, but doesnt mean everyone actually has the right abilities or motivation, so depends what you make of if, get out of it by the end.

Im not sure they pack students in, If theres no room left they dont, and there are requirements. But they do get enough students applying so if u are asking if universities are demanding students, then i guess id say no cos students are applying
After the 1st year there are usually some students who have decided to leave, or just havent attended, so they disappear. People on my course got in on strength of portfolios, potential and you have to want to do it, and really devote the next 3 years of your life to it.

The courses in the Uk, from what i can tell, are improving rapidly, and producing some really good animators. of course not every single student is going to graduate successfully, get a job and have a great career, and this happens everywhere not just the UK.

There are great things going on in the Uk with animation, stop motion is very popular, of course wallace and gromit is doing really well Uk and in the states. Theres a diverse range of stuff going on.

anyway, yey uk :)

Reeeeeeally wanna change my username :(