Music project looking for animator.

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Music project looking for animator.

Hello all,
I'm not an animator at all, which is why I'm here! I'm a commmercial composer and I play in a band. I have an album coming out in the UK in the new year.

But as side project, I've written some music with an animation in mind and I'm looking for someone to collaborate with.
You can hear the piece here

It's a pretty unusual bit of music, using looped vocal samples from Moby Dick. It's more or less finished but I'm really looking for someone to collaborate with, rather than someone to just stick a cartoon behind it, so I can edit it, make bits longer or shorter, or even add new parts if you think it needs it. I can do any additional sound design stuff we might need too. I guess I'm looking for someone to turn it into an arty little film. (er...what we'd do with it, I don't know. I guess we try and sell it or get it shown at festivals??)

If your interested, email me, with a link to some of your stuff if that's possible.
Thanks for looking,
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I've had a couple of communications about this, and I think I need to clarify;

I'm not looking for a pro studio or anything. My budget is ?0. I was just hoping someone might like the music enough to be into a bit of a collaborative effort.
It's a very unusual and interesting bit of music, based on looped samples from the text of Melville's Moby Dick. It's been well received and is being featured in Computer Music magazine (one of the biggest UK publications in this field) in their next issue.
It's an art for art's sake thing and has nothing to do with release of my band's album. Our label is handling the promo videos for that.

The music is exciting. My mind is filled with imagery.
I won't post it here. But...nice work. :)

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman


I wonder what you had in mind, stuff like the always reminds me of Cowboy BB. And the intro sample is kinda religious thing I guess...What's your take? Nice smooth track!

Well, the basic idea (not mine, but I really like it) has a character picking up and reading a copy of the book in his front room. While he's doing this a sort of harbour scene gradually appears in the large window behind him. He goes to get a drink and the image fades. He returns and starts reading again and the image returns, brighter until it window and light from it floods the room and then, whooosh he finds himself in the middle of a crowd on the deck of the Pequod as a mad Captain Ahad is nailing an ounce of Spanish gold to the mast.
Then images of him ploughing through waves in a whaling launch. Quite terrifying and dramatic. Maybe a cut back to him in his front room looking seriously freaked. Not sure really.
Ending with the Pequod sinking with all hands, dragged down by the mighty whale while our hero watches in terror alone in a small boat. And the voice repeats 'and see the watery part of the world' and the bell tolls, the boat and sea fade around him and he is back home. Water drips from his clothes.
I'd be really grateful for any help anyone can give me on this.
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Kevin Geiger
The Animation Co-op

[I]Kevin Geiger
Director & Co-founder
The Animation Co-op[/I]

Thanks, Kevin, but I feel a bit more help before I'm ready to do that. I don't really know much about how animations are made, what kind of people to ask for etc. I can do all the audio myself, but I don't even know how to plan the rest. If anyone here can help....
I'm just a muso with a love of animation.
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