Announcing a LAS VEGAS Co-op Chapter!

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Announcing a LAS VEGAS Co-op Chapter!

We are pleased to announce the formation of an Animation Co-op chapter in the city of Las Vegas! The Vegas chapter is sponsored by Johnie Lewis Tidwell, Jr. of "" (check 'em out at Johnie is currently working with the Anime Vegas Con, programming not only anime but also independent animation, with an eye towards establishing the convention as a full-fledged animation festival next year. Folks in the Vegas area are encouraged to contact Johnie at Welcome to The Animation Co-op! :-)

Kevin & Moon
The Animation Co-op

Kevin_Geiger's picture
[I]Kevin Geiger Director & Co-founder The Animation Co-op[/I]

[I]Kevin Geiger
Director & Co-founder
The Animation Co-op[/I]

Lets help anyway we can so whatever happens there doesn't stay there. badoom chak!

Happy Trails,
Eric HEdman
