Career Question

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Career Question

Whats the market like for an 2D/3D animator to work freelance/off-site or other off-site/freelance work also?


Good morning, Your question can really be answered according to your location. If you are on the East or West coast you have a better chance to find work. However, I am an commercial animator working with 3D in the Tulsa, OK area. But that is I am working with a firm. If you want freelance work you could start with some of the 3D model and animation companies that are on the internet. Be sure to see if they have a job Tab on their Web page. I do know that the market is slow because this is the first quarter of the year and I hear that things should pick up. Freelance is really difficult because your one person, however you could even contract out work from gamming firms as well. There are many that offer work on a contract basis. But to let you know in general the market is flat here in Oklahoma.