cgtantra gearin up for best indian forum....

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cgtantra gearin up for best indian forum....

Hey Friends,
Check out this forum of Indian Artists and Animators thats a happening place and its really good to share things with indian professionals...
do have a check on it -


wolverine's picture

Three guesses on who'se going to get a kick out of this announcement....

Here's a clue, his nickname starts with an "S", and sounds like "Jade". or "Spade" or "Trade".




I just can't believe that the words "Indian" and "Professionals" were used in the same sentence.

Just kidding. Sorry. Couldn't resist.

"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon

That's true...I remember what you mentioned about Indian artists....

and go figure, the time and effort that I put into that riddle, and you go and change your nick from Swade back to Wade, basically destroying everthing that I hold dear. Why Wade....have I wronged you in a past life? Have I wronged a distant relative, and this is how you claim vengeance? By destroying my riddle?

That's it, I have no other life has lost it's value. I'm going to throw myself from the Winter River Bridge.

Goodbye cruel world!
